
My gf and I were wondering about that the whole time. You have a ton of animals that eat hydrocarbons. You know they’re all over. Their food has got to be there too. Silly.

“Point of fact: If you outlaw strong encryption, only criminals will have it.”

“Owning”? I wasn’t aware the 90's had returned and we were on IRC.

Never considered becoming a member of the NRA... but now that it pisses you snow flakes off I believe I will.

To quote the man himself...

That does it! The very next time I see a bunch of hackers in my house isolating my hard drives in an acoustic cocoon like that, I’m calling Homeland Security.


Holy Crap!

Nuke it from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.

Nope nope nope. At that point you are better off burning the entire shed to the ground. Might even do the rest of the property to ensure that you get them all.

Wait, so people would bitch and moan about DLC, and now they’re enraged that they CAN’T pay to unlock something? Fucking kids these days.

also kodi

Half my life is on the road, and my Fire TV box is always with me complete with USB stick filled with media. Many hotels have inadequate wifi to stream reliably with my home Plex server.

“potential decades-long effects of stolen personal information on the privacy and financial security of breach victims.”

There’s an idea. Binge it on a free trial. +10000 to you sir!

Yeah, I can’t see spending $9.99/month just to see Star Trek so I guess I’ll wait until it gets released in a few years on some other format. I hope the limited audience doesn’t end up killing the show off. I really doubt it’s going to be a big money maker for CBS with this release method.

Crucify me for this, but honestly this isn’t as crazy as it sounds. With space becoming easier and cheaper to reach by the month, it’s only a matter of time before space combat becomes a reality, and not just something we see in the movies.

I don’t get how resigning really helps, other than to get the headline out for a day before it’s buried by other news. Stay and fight, or else the advisory council will either be dissolved or replaced with people who don’t care.

Still waiting for one with a live-streaming camera built into the head. Is that so much to ask?