
See the comment above yours. The answer seems to be “Yes”

If you still need it explained to you, or if you think that a few battery explosions make up for millions dead from lung cancer, then you’re brain dead. Hope that helps?

The legends of the Long Night say the Others rode on ginormous Ice Spiders into battle. WE NEED HUGE ICE SPIDERS! ! !


I love this idea.

Yeah, I thought this was one of the best episodes I’ve seen in a long time. You know that when the first bulletpoint under “Assorted Musings” is the writer defending their opinion before anyone’s had a chance to disagree, there’s a problem.

I may have, in part, an explanation for the eggs. Beginning in May of last year I went from a cardio focused routine to lifting. I had been eating eggs before but with lifting it became a staple (more often and more of them). The muscle gains added 16 lbs.

All I really care about: Can it find aliens!??!?

This is all fine and dandy, but if I’m paying to my cable provider for the internet, the cable and the DVR, and they scrambled a show’s schedule, I’ll go to a torrent site and get the lost episode since I already paid to watch it.

God, I hope not. I love Lauren Ambrose, but Robbie Amell is a black hole of charisma, and about as much use as a one legged man at an ass-kicking party.

So what I read is this:

Having lost over 70 lb’s over the past year and some, I disagree. Rice,pasta, and breads are still plenty in my diet and removing them for any period of time hasn’t boosted my weight loss. At the end of the day the best advice(I can give) for weight loss is:

New costumes for Han and Luke...

For over 10 years now, news organizations have heralded the coming of the day of “No Injections” for diabetics. I have read each ariticle, sussed them for actual information and forwarded them to my sister (a diabetic).

My snow day movie is John Carpenter’s The Thing.

Honestly that crowd just needs the word “alien” mentioned in any context on a website to get riled up and go full tin foil hat.

Look, this all begins and ends with Ridley’s quote on the subject. The movies about Egyptian gods and Biblical stories wouldn’t get made with Mohamed Saad Ahmed or Gila Almagor in the leads.

it reminded me a tad of Terra Nova for some reason. Now there's a show that I wish they'd bring back.