
not everyone is a high value target, so not everyone is going to be targeted. Also, not everyone's social data (dob, pet names, friends, mothers, etc) are readily available on the web meaning it would be harder for a hacker to social engineer your passwords. For average people, strong passwords are a very good

I agree, Lost In Space was a great movie! Ridiculously good cast, anyway: Rodgers, Hurt, Oldman, Graham are all decent actors, and Joey was fun.

I... weirdly enjoyed the movie

The movie wasnt all around bad but killing Newt and Hicks the way they did was bullshit .


Man, that's a shitty situation huh?

Another example of a company trying to be something it's not. We didn't need small Radio Shacks on every corner that has hardly anything, we needed one huge Radio Shack in each town that had everything. In Texas, we have a store called Altex Electronics that is like what Radio Shack used to be and they've been doing

I pity you fools.


Not everyone who vapes is a 'hipster douchebag'. Some of us (successfully) used it to transition from cigarettes to quitting after two decades. Don't be so quick to judge.

Pack a day habit for 14 years gone thanks to e-cigs, when patches and other methods didn't work. Not say that there aren't hipster douches, let's just not generalize.

With complete certainty I can say maybe.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't the proposed laws make any torrent of a movie or other copyrighted material suddenly a racketeering offense? 2/3rds of the country on house arrest.

Nope, I loves the films and I can't wait to get the extended trilogy :D

These guys probably know more.

If I wanted a tablet menu, I would get a tablet. Simple as that.

Wait, I think we can reuse this piece. So it's not a total loss!

The problem isn't just knowing there's a bill, it's that some bills are totally fraudulent and over billed. Hospitals use 3rd party contractors that don't charge at PPO rates and providers pad their bills after the fact to the surprise of the consumer. Once submitted to collectors, the consumer basically is