
I hope both you and your neighbor's step-aunt choke to death on these beans.

One secret Presidential decision directive later, NSA don't even have to go through FISA court.

It's uncontrolled airspace. The FAA can suck it.

I'm sorry. I'm going to need a LOT more photographic evidence before making a decision here. A. LOT.


I watched that at work and laughed so hard (with my hand over my mouth to stifle the giggles) that I had tears in my eyes.

Ugh. Tried to watch this because, well, werewolves (sure, that's why), but had to stop. I haven't seen anything that Laura Vandervoort has been in where I've enjoyed her acting abilities. Kara? Nope. Lisa? Nope. ... I can't think of any others, at least not til now.

Look I and most holdouts don't have an inherent problem with metro, just make that crap optional. Give us back our menus, not this fake start button bullshit and we will be happy. Keep metro as an option that you can launch, or hell enable as the default if you want to, just give us back a real start menu.

"Slow Down: Why Fast Android Updates Don't Matter Anymore"

My favourite kind are blu tachyons. They're absolutely the best for keeping posters affixed to the wall.

But LG never updates their stuff. Like really never.

> If you've ever walked through a cloud of second-hand vapor, you're breathing in tiny little water droplets that were just inside some stranger's body.


C'mon people, you knew this was coming.

Blood-filled? Blood-soaked? Try lightly-stained baby carrier.

That John Winchester was/is God.