
This guy likes it.

An Upgrade for Everyone......Eventually

Sounds like what google has been saying for 3 years, well get you the updates eventually... Fragmentation, this is why android sucks. I will concede that it has a few perks over iOS, but app quality is generally lower, fragmentation is a huge pain, and malware is rampant.

Or one or both of them had already turned by the time she got there.

"Traffic jams gone". I doubt it. You're not decreasing the volume of cars on the road.

Now playing

Damn, I was hoping it would turn out more like this:

If the Metro interface slows down my ability to do work or play (and it does) and I already own 7. Why would I pay new money to upgrade to Windows 8? Why would anyone? What does it bring to the table that its predecessor did not already have?

This feels a lot like 98 to ME

1.) I would love to see something in the original timeline post-Voyager. Maybe even jump ahead 100 years. Where's the Federation now? Still going strong? In decay? Has it evolved into a police force or continued its core mission of exploration?

Speed and stealth and high techy space agey whatever's are cool and all, but nothing in the air is as bad ass as an A10.

All I really want is an app to let me remotely preheat my oven before my commute home.

Some of us have real facial hair that laughs at electric razors, we don't have a choice but to use the tried methods, or we decide to grow beards

Can we have a system to downvote all the Fandroid jackwagons that will start/already are talking about fragmentation? Apple releases their new OS for, typically, every device less than 3 years old. 93% of iPhones & iPads run iOS 6. Instead let's talk about the sub-50% of Android devices running Jellybean.


That's exactly my point, I've seen Hayden Christiansen in other films and he's actually a pretty good actor. It's pretty obvious that Lucas was directing him to act like a spoiled brat. I mean he cast a slew of A-list actors in those movies but all of them come across as flat, wooden, boring performances. I blame the

Clearly it's a false flag/controlled explosion/FEMA Deathcamp new hybrid species created by Monsanto chemtrails. Also, we know who bioengineered it:


"I have been, and always shall be, part of your recommended complete breakfast."

Back in the day a horrifyingly high sugar level in a breakfast cereals was a key selling point.

All good things....but no start menu still befuddles me. Metro/Modern whatever has a lot of great things going for it, but they need to stop forcing people to use it and let them discover it by themselves.