
Oh and I'm calling it now.. if anyone out there has the ability to design, produce, and market a sleek and stylish cover for the Kinnect which is soundproof, obscures the video, an is easily opened when you DO want to use the device is going to make a crapload selling them. Are the dimensions of the new Kinect device

I've never liked the PS3 controller.. nor the PS2's. Beyond that, I have no real reason to stay with Xbox other than I have always liked the console. The restrictions need to be lifted because if the PS4 does not have these restrictions I'll be jumping ship. Good news is when that happens this Christmas, Microsoft

Time to ban toys.

Same thing happened to me.. Walmart just cancels the order and holds onto the money from your credit card for who knows how long.

Headaches from lens flares must be commonplace in the future. ;P

There's a catch with Wal-Mart though, read the fine print. You have to pick specific data plans, and you have to keep those plans in place for a specified period of time. Even evil AT&T doesn't do that, they allow you to change your plan any time you choose as long as you keep it under contract.

I really liked it but it was overly long. There were a lot of scenes that could have been cut and put in on Blu-Ray later for filler. Once I have the movies at home to watch I can pause and walk around, eat dinner, get a snack, etc. and come back and it won't be so bad.

Cured at 22 year habit for me. ;)

"What's also not known is whether there's a threat to non-users from "second hand vapor.""...

Saw a great one last night, wasn't even trying. Very bright, broke up right before it burned out. Wish I'd had a video cam ready but was driving.

Dat's some funny sh*t

I think my first .GIF downloaded from the Internet via FTP took something like 3.5-4 hours.

dark = no lens flares... = YAY!

If she does it naked I'm all for it though.

Yea, if it were me I wouldn't say a word. I'd very calmly sign my name to the back and walk out, get in the car, and drive to the nearest lottery center. I might make a few WOOO F'IN WHOOO calls along the way.

I personally can't wait to see it. It's painfully obvious that if we want to colonize space in any way we're going to have to let private investors and grand thinkers like Elon Musk do it for us because our government would rather slash miniscule budgets like NASA's rather than slash the budgets and payroll of

I doubt seriously these companies care one bit. As long as they can successfully extort money from the person who's responsible for the IP address used at the time they are happy.

When they can re-print and implant the cartilage in my spine that was removed years ago due to bulging disc surgery give me a call. Until then...

More with this device, because every time the baby kicks this thing or moves slightly and it looses contact or your phone is on the fringe of the Bluetooth signal it'll read OMG THE BABY IS DEAD. Heart attack 3x per hour haha.

I got the impression Michonne was simply so damn tired she could hardly raise the sword to do anything, so the stab in the chest may have been a failed attempt at stabbing the zombie in the forehead. Swinging that sword around has got to be taxing after a while. It worked to get the zombie off her at least in the