Well played sir.. well played.
Well played sir.. well played.
I do indeed remember that show. Kind of liked it. ;P
Lucky you still have that pre-order, it's listed for $197 now and release is in 2013 with new packaging. $140 is a sweet price.
I had the online/Internet/protect your identity talk with my kids the day they were allowed on the Internet for the first time which was way before they were ready for the 'sex' talk. Did it help? It did until Facebook/Myspace/etc. started up.. then it was over for their online privacy. 2 out of my 3 kids chose,…
I dunno how 'chronological' that is.. looks to me like it's still jumbled up with a bit of the adventure mixed with jumps back to hobbiton in the middle of the trailer. But it sure is a nice trailer.
Sweet.. I have not been a student for two years now but still have my .edu email. ;)
I dunno.. look how long the 360 has been on the market. Who's to say that 8gb of RAM won't be beneficial 2-3 years from now and allow the system to still out-pace other consoles of the future? I always build my PC's with double the capacity I need/want so that I don't have to upgrade every other year.
Cthulhu's babies for sure. ;P
Right.. and have you seen what they dip their fries in? ;)
My local Wal-Mart tends to start out their employees at minimum but bumps them slightly higher after their 90 days is up. Beyond that, it's not a job anyone should expect decent money from at any rate. I did buy my iPad 3 on launch day at a Wal-Mart but have had no problems with it. I have, however, had issues with…
#4, and #5.. when in doubt.. refer to #4.
I can tell you exactly why I Google'd that same exact term not too long ago.. I am NOT a fan of Obama, and think Romney is not necessarily the solution this country needed. All I really knew is I wanted to know who the independent candidates were even though voting for them would be a waste of time. I looked them up…
Alien: There's no way we're contacting humans until they can ring my phone on Planet X with a video call. When they figure that out, we'll answer.
Thirded! ;P
Although I hated to see a major character die, I've been wanting to see the Bishop's spend some of their ingenuity finding new and dreadful ways to kill observers. I think Peter's going to go off his rocker and do just that now. Can't wait. They may not need the 'big plan' once he's done with them. ;P
Agreed. $299 was, in my mind, the maximum I would have gone for a wifi mini. But, even at that price, I would have expected 16gb. It's not been only the inflated price, but the lower specs that has people balking at the mini.
Didn't your mama ever tell you not to play with your food.. geek. ;)
That I think is what annoys me the most about the price and the low resolution screen/old processor. I'd have easily payed for a $350-$400 16gb wifi retina tablet with an A6. Now I think I'll wait until the 5th gen iPad. For the same processor and resolution I can pick up iPad2's all day long which have a bigger…
Lets start the next rumor.. 5th Gen iPad.. Retina4k.