
lol I said "a" scientist, not one of "the" scientists involved. Time for all the eggheads in Italy to stand up to the man and strike! ;) The "if it were me..." part may have been misleading.

Uh.. if it were me, and I was a scientist in Italy (which I'm not but you get the point) my resignation would be in the mail the moment that verdict hit. That's just plain insane to hold them accountable for something we all know isn't predictable.

What? It's a crime to park your shuttle in the driveway and play basketball for a while?

Lets see.. a RE magnet costs about $1 and a couple small chunks of metal cost about $nothing so you could do this yourself to all your ties for <=$1. If anyone wants a bunch of RE magnets for this purpose just go to flashlight/battery websites that sell them for battery spacers.

I hope Christopher Judge got paid in advance for this stinker lol. He deserves better movies.

I won't hold my breath but it sure would be great!

And no Fringe this week.. bummer. It gets old when series just take a week off for no good reason other than to stretch out a season that likely just didn't have enough episodes. ;(

Piers Anthony:

This is why you do not buy expensive electronics at Wal-Mart. How often do you think Wal-Mart returns defective merchandise to the shelves to be re-sold hoping the next guy will send it to the manufacturer instead of taking it back to Wal-Mart. Happens all the time. If the box isn't sealed, refuse it and ask for a

Pffft. At least I can stop waiting for the mini to come out.. at $300 it's too expensive to buy all the kids for xmas. So.. Kindle HD's for everyone! lol.


It could have dual quad-core 3ghz processors and a terabyte of RAM and you still would likely never get an OS upgrade for the darn thing. It's LG for pete's sake. I'm running an LG phone that's barely a year old and I'm stuck on Android 2.3 still. LG blows.

If they are $199 around Xmas then yes, I likely will buy several. One for each kid. That way they'll leave my new iPad alone lol!

Yea.. I spent the whole time yelling.. "shoot him with the Tesla you fools!" They had so many chances during this episode it was pathetic. Instead it was "Artie.. buddy.. you still love us right.. wait.. don't stick me with that knife.. not in my back.. but whyyyyyyy?". Fools.

Putting an A5 in any new Apple device would be stupid imho, I have both an iPad 2 and a 3 at home, and the 2 is noticeably slower with iOS6 than the 3. It will only get worse with iOS7, 8 at which point it'll probably be unusable. Even though the iPad 3 doesn't yet have an A6.. it's also noticeably slower on iOS6.

If it included 2 medium sized drinks, and a bucket of popcorn maybe. But at $40 per person hell no. I don't spend $80 a month now on movies at the theater unless there just happens to be several good movies out. I won't lock myself into $80 a month just so I can go more.

In last night's episode they mentioned something about having to find the 'right' ammo, and/or being stuck with older rounds.. then in the very next scene they were using modern day ammo. /boggle. I'll have to re-watch it to see what exactly was said.

Air Video. My iPad would be useless without it. Never liked Plex. http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/air-video-watch-your-videos/id306550020?mt=8

The more attention these hackers create, the more it makes me want to see the very movie they are protesting. Can't wait for the South Park version!

Lol.. guy goes in to store to take a whiz.. shortly afterward iron bars slam down on the entrance as he's caught in front of the urinal with hundreds of alarms going of with a bright neon sign and arrow pointing to him that says... "POT SMOKER GET HIM!".