
Won't really matter anyway.. AT&T map shows I have it where I am which is BS, we get HSPA+ which is faster than 3G but since AT&T's backbone is constantly hosed here it might as well be EDGE. They could pop up an LTE transmitter and it still wouldn't matter until their backbone was upgraded. I can have 4 bars of

Lol.. I'd have to agree. Most shows suck their first season. They spend all their time with character development and laying out plots. Just when they get interesting.. bam.. cancelled. Yes, some of the science is completely stupid in Revolution (like gunpowder works but not electricity) but I'd love to see it get

It'll probably require quantum computing.. oops we're close to that as well. Exciting stuff!

Y2K was funny. Being an IT person back then was great fun. It went a lot like this.. "OMG Y2K is going to crash it all.. omg omg". "Really? Why don't you just set your PC's date up to 12/31/99 at 11:59PM and watch and see what happens?" "Um.. yea.. lets do that.. it's gonna burn.. hey wait.. nothing happened."

The answer to that question is an easy one. Charge more money.

I was finally offered the upgrade this morning. They may have been sending it out a little at a time to reduce traffic.

You won't be able to find them after a day or two because they'll be covered with garbage that pissed off people will throw at the thing.

I'll wait for the $1.99 versions on the China sites thank you very much.

Help.. check for updates.. "This version of iTunes (10.6.3) is up to date."

Meh. Could care less about iPods. IPhone 5 is cool.. will be getting one.. later after I see if it's flawed from early adopters. Was really hoping they'd surprise us with the iPad mini today. What a letdown.

My brother at the time (1979) bought me one of the 18" Kenner Aliens and also bought himself one for Christmas. I, being 10 years old, proceeded to play with and ultimately destroy it. My brother kept his neatly in its own box and sold it about 10 years later for ~$500 at a convention.

I personally hope they don't re-hash the old episodes. It'd be nice to see some of the old plots surface briefly for nostalgia, but original stories would be the best imho.

Yea, and since you're a piddly $500 loss no chance the president will step in to help you out. I won't be using them for anything serious or expensive. PayPal was supposed to be the 'safe' way to sell things on eBay from the beginning. So, who's protecting us from PayPal? I say that and then remember that I have

I'll half agree. It needs more money and more direction and oversight. Plenty of the phases of the projects could be contracted out to companies like SpaceX who have a proven track record. Robotic exploration should precede manned exploration but not replace it. Until a human has been there, it's just not the same.

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but the resolution of the retina iPad and the resolution of the retina iPhone are completely different. So there can still be a huge difference in the resolution of the iPad2 and the smaller iPad and it could still be called 'Retina' because it's higher resolution than the iPad2.

"dramatic reduction of overall plaque loads". So... reduction of plaque overall or reduction of future production of plaque? Because honestly, at some point in the progression of the disease, it may be detrimental to slow its progress. For instance once you're a vegetable who cares if you live another 10 years, I

So.. space exploration is screwed if you vote for either of these clowns. Obama = robots rule, manned space flight is not a priority. Romney = no more money for NASA even though we could easily cut money elsewhere.

If it's not a retina display of some sort with the iPad3 processor I likely won't buy it unless it's sub $200. Really, a retina display capable of a higher resolution makes more sense to me since they could support the existing iPad 3 HD format without adding yet a 3rd format to the store that requires developers to

Fell asleep during the last one.. occasional explosion woke me up though, so managed to see about half. ;P

Agreed. Reversal and cure of the disease is what interests me. If this was a disease that killed you outright we'd put more effort into curing it. Instead, it leaves you drooling in a nursing home where we can forget about you for the years it takes to kill you when finally one morning you just simply forget to