Put down the red koolaid and step away..
Put down the red koolaid and step away..
lol! BBS's were all the fun back then. I, luckily, opted not to step over that imaginary line that would warrant a visit from the men in black. A friend of mine did, had his computer confiscated along with over 100 5.25" floppy disks worth of pirated software. After he was put on probation (also a minor), and made…
Countdown to someone making a startup script to auto-skip the tile crap.. 5.. 4.. 3.. 2..
Obviously they don't know how to use the 3 seashells. ;P
Waiting on the first Hi Def pic. Yay it landed, now we'll pass on the crap-o-vision pics. ;P
I whine if my beer is over 40F so you started with FAIL and you ended with more FAIL.
Crap. We have to deal with it that long?!?!
Klunk-o-vision Desktop. The square icons simply suck. Whatever idiot came up with this new interface needs to be slapped. Dealing with it on the Xbox the last year or so has been annoying enough. I'm personally hoping to skip 8 and go directly to 9 from 7 because eventually someone will realize people hate it and…
Poor signal... zero data bandwidth when signal is good. Welcome to AT&T. ;)
Maybe Infinity Blade II being on sale is a sign that Dungeons will finally be released in Sept. with iOS6/the new new new iPhone. lol.
I'm sure all the spammers in the world are really happy that hotmail got new features lol. Pass.
There will always be more damage in a heavier, larger tablet. This proves nothing in my book.
Isn't being an early adopter wonderful? ;)
My C64 was the most memorable, but the first was a glorified calculator made by Timex Sinclair lol. The first time I opened the C64, and hurried to attach it to our TV.. turned it on.. and.. and... a blinking cursor. hmmm.. lol. I was a little dismayed but that didn't stop me, I quickly dove into the basic book and…
Back in my ISP days I had a guy threaten one of my techs with a gun. We were one of the first in the area (and just about anywhere) to offer K.Flex (and later V.90) dial-up access. The guy lived way out in BFE and could get no better than a 19.2k connection and even that wasn't stable. Phone company kept blaming…
I use Excel every day.. from work to home use.. checkbook/savings/planning/budgeting. I've worked in it so long it's easier to use (for me) than any specialized software for those tasks. The rest of office, beyond work anyway, I can do without. ;)
If it's going to be in the $200 price range (seriously doubt it), has a retina display, adequate cameras and at least 16gb storage then yes. All of my kids will get one for Xmas and they can leave my iPad the hell alone lol.
Someone woke up in need of a girlfriend.