
They ain’t shook, they are capitalizing on it.

I remember the first time I heard that FX were doing a Fargo series and I went into it without expecting much. It’s now probably one of my favourite tv shows and I think that Season 2 is probably one of the finest seasons of television ever produced.

But these movies ultimately were a massive digression where nothing was clearly meant. Also, a reminder they could have chosen to portray this or literally anything they wanted in those movies. The only limit was their imagination; which, turned out to be pretty limited.

That and 2/3 of those draftees are unfit to serve. We are simply too fat and sick as a society for a draft to be worthwhile.

If I can offer one piece of advice my Dad gave me many years ago that has helped me my entire life is “Control your worrying or your worrying will control you”

I wouldn’t worry too much about a draft chiefly because you’re a woman and I doubt the chuckle fucks who run our government will add women to that. Second most people in the military prefer a volunteer rather than a conscripted army. Volunteer soldiers tend to follow orders and fight harder because they chose to be

Oh good lord, stop. You’re embarrassing yourself.

People tend to be dismissive of things that aren’t really worth being invested in. This is an article about Korean women being upset that an already sexualized japanese, repackaged as Korean, girl has been sexualized further. Or not as far depending on how you view school girl outfits verses skin tight latex in terms

I will assume that at no point in your life have you heard someone say they were upset by something and gone “jeez, that’s a dumb thing to be upset about”. In which case, congratulations on being so very, very noble.

The whole premise of the game is “hot people shoot each other sorta” combined with a weirdly out of touch street fighter attempt to be global that was never not going to be problematic, so it’s a tough position to find a character who was absolutely 100% designed as japanese “tiny evangelion pilotfirst and then

I can't believe people take video game cosmetics this seriously, but here we are.

also Ghostbusters

Now imagine having those feelings, but a more vocal group hates the movie for shitty mysoginistic and racist reasons. Those people suck hardcore, but if you dare speak a word of ill about the movie, you’re immediately lumped in with those shitbags.

Adding anything in game development is a lot of work.

Um. I didn’t see anywhere where it said to trust the Russians?

Because Orange Man bad.

I should have known this would be a Gita Jackson article. If you’re really interested in learning more about this you’d put away the Kommunist Manifesto and pick up Das Kapital where the meat of Marx’s works resides. If you haven’t already you can also grab some Simone de Bouvier to double-dip in Communist concepts

No offense, but that just means you have terrible taste in movies. 

I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, proudly:

Having the video makes sense to me.