
What your proposing is an unreasonable burden on creators. If you collect all the separate 3-6% of the population that have phobias you will discover your game has a 100% chance of including at least one phobia and eventually catching shit for it. 

You know very well that isn’t how it works, if not. Let me educate you.

Unless you’re saving lives or providing essential goods and services this is the only comment that matters.

Kotaku keeps Streisand’ing things it claims to be against. It’s almost like they desire the clicks.

This triple reference is going to sail past a lot of people.

It’s a sequel to Inception.

Nuclear comes up in every discussion about energy because it’s detractors at best are not thinking much better than climate deniers or anti-vax, and at worst are deliberately and knowingly deceptive.

What you’re describing is scope change, which is a very well documented and studied project risk potentially occurring during software development.

Almost There!

Clarification is always welcome by me.

Border War bad. Global War good.

Good lord, you should not ever trust scientists. You can trust their verified findings, but there’s no reason to trust a scientist just because they are a scientist.

What’s in your pants is no one’s business.
What you do with what’s in your pants is everyone’s business.

I’m old enough to remember it was no one’s business what Bill Clinton did in his private life.

Race essentialism. It’s what Jim Crow was based on. It led to the Separate but equal doctrine, and Whites Only laws. It’s a very bad idea.

Or does this articles author think only people of color are going to meet and vote in private?

Now playing

if the Section 230 protections were removed the entire internet would do that thing the house did at the end of Poltergeist.

This article must be updated with corrected newspeak to avoid thougthcrime. Update dark matter to unmatter.

How shall I interpret the intent of your message? Racist or not racist?