
No.. A few issues.

Doing away with them because of a phobia, is ridiculous. You know your fear is irrational. Work on it.

I don’t like spiders but cutting them out of games just doesn’t sit right with me. Spiders are one of the scariest things known in real life and I think it would be weird not to include them. We would be cutting off a piece of world culture. Chances are each culture has at least some sort of lore about spiders.

Yeah, this was my thought too. Like if I see a spider in real life, I damn near have a full blown panic attack. But I don’t expect every developer to remove any ounce of spiders just because I don’t like them.

Some might call me an asshole for this but, there is no line to draw. As a dev, you make the game you want to make, it’s not on you to account for the whims or irrational fears of any one player. The amount of people who might suffer from something like Arachnophobia to such a degree that they can’t even see a virtual

This is a dumb thing to ask for. I have arachnophobia. I scream like a little girl when I find one bigger than an asprin in my house. The asprin and smaller size ones just give me a heart attack, but I’m able to deal with them myself. The bigger ones, I scream for my wife or kids to come kill it.

As devs, where do we draw the line for this stuff though? Are we supposed to have options to cut out “triggers” for all people who have some sort of phobia?

No AV Club, I do not want to sign up for your news letter.

If you can’t fit your project plan into 40 hour work weeks your plan sucks. Especially when your project plan is “making a game, a thing no one needs”

Y’know...if we collectively agree to stop giving these miserable fuckwits the attention they so goddamned desperately, pitifully claw at, they’ll eventually just go away and be forgotten like they should be.

I don’t see how that’s even remotely possible. 100 hours to 100% EVERYTHING in the game doesn’t seem believable whatsoever. Keep in mind I’m going for top ranks and every reward across all adventure maps and that includes DLC. I probably put 100 hours into the first adventure map alone. I’ve only reached the level cap

Nuclear would be the only way of getting fossil fuels completely out of the picture. And let’s not forget that wind, solar, and other “clean energy” technologies often come with their own built-in sources of pollution as well.

I agree it has common usage, but it isn’t technically accurate.

1. I’m not referring to this article but maybe you missed this doozy.

which produces an immense amount of dangerous waste that we have no safe way to dispose of”

If the immense capacity nuclear affords electric generation needs were there, no blackout. They are literally cutting off hundreds of megawatts of capacity closing these sites. Yes, they aren’t profitable but it’s a tragedy and frankly dumb to cut baseload capacity when there isn’t a back up for it. All those storage

The technical term for that is “scope creep”.

It is Superman, that is an objective fact. No matter how much hand waving and denial of previous material (where Pa kent has been written numerous ways through the decades, and yes Superman has killed, so there has never been any one singular idea of what the characters are, they have changed with every era adn with