
My wife and I have more than once managed to avoid me getting her sick, and vice versa, by sleeping in separate rooms, washing hands, and keeping surfaces clean. We didn’t have to “not be with each other,” we just had to spend a couple of days cleaning well and not making out.

China is working hard to shift the blame of this pandemic away from China. Their choice to imprison and punish doctors and journalists for talking about the virus is the very reason that its now a global pandemic. The totalitarian government hoped it would just go away. This should be called The People’s Republic of

1) It’s more deadly than the flu, we just don’t know how much more deadly.

Yep, this virus that no one’s had before. This virus that no one has a vaccine for. This virus that no one had a reliable way to test for at the beginning. This virus that no one knew how it was transmitted at the beginning. This virus that has a higher death rate than the flu, by percentage so far. This virus that

“I am not really worried about my wife and kids getting it, I am more worried about passing it along to our parents who are 65-70 years old.”

If we don’t use every available means to decarbonize this decade, we won’t have future generations. We should happily trade carbon waste in the atmosphere for contained nuclear waste.

Not a single mention of nuclear energy...

It’s endemic there now, but it is changing globally. Poorer societies with poor access to quality health care will always have more children because (among a host of other reasons, increased lifespan, better education, etc) the expectation is that not all of them will survive. As these nations and areas come out of

What an incredible misunderstanding of the capacity for the planet and society to handle humanity.  We’re nowhere near “needing a plague”.

Now playing

I feel like you’re straight-up begging for this little gem to get linked to.

exactly, as a Latino hearing this is appalling. Go on reddit and see what Latinos think of “latinx,” stop adding white labels to our people.

You have a typo in your title. I think you mean Latino voters. Latinx isn’t a thing and will never be a thing, no matter how much you left-wing idiots in the media hope to make it a thing. No self-respecting latino on earth would ever use the term. Get over it. 

don’t you mean Nevadx?

It’s okay to acknowledge the potentially existential crises we face and are not adequately preparing for, and also that the ‘Doomsday Clock’ is stupid.

“They don’t care about the impact on children. They don’t care about truth,” she said, adding that Facebook’s only interest is turning a profit.

Yeah, I agree you’re right. I dont see Pelosi or AOC pushing change through the Senate. So...them publicly shaming Zuck is like an end-run around the regulations they cant get anyway? But Pelosi and AOC making comments isnt likely to sway Zuckerberg from collecting billions, so really it’s just more about posturing in

Even porn mogul and radical free-speech advocate Larry Flynt....

Uh well first off, no crunch doesn’t “happen in any industry” and secondly the crux of the problem is they don’t EVER have the perfect scope of work.

I would say movie and TV development is akin to creating video games as they are huge artist undertakings being done largely for profit, but why do we not hear so much about horrible working conditions in those industries?

Fuck CDPR.