
It might be a difficult ask to say “everyone” needs to cut back on breeding when the birthrate in the US and Europe have declined significantly over the years.

any unit of distance is one dimensional

How would Blizzard publicly supporting Hong Kong benefit anyone at all? It’s not going to hurt China, and its not going to help Hong Kong at all.

The idea that zombies weren’t in until The Walking Dead tv show is weird revisionist history. 28 Days Later came out in 2002. Shaun of the Dead and Zack Snyder’s Dawn remake both came out in 2004. Basically every indie horror comedy at the time was about zombies. Zombies were fucking everywhere in the 2000s.

Stephen covers all this all in the article, but here’s the tl;dr version:

Feels like another conversation we’ve been through before with Fight Club back then, and The Clockwork Orange even further back.

The premise of this movie sounded horrible before I read this.  This article just confirms that fact.  This movie is a big pass for me.


You’re very generous.

Spoiler warning:  the following sour complaints contain some mild spoilers for this stupid, stupid movie.

The question should have definitely been, “when will we run out of potable water” or “when will our potable water demand exceed our current supply”. We aren’t dumping our water out into space, so we will never run out of water. Where water is distribute across the surface of the planet may change, and how “usable”

“Wrote it before and stand by it 100%: allowing any self-driving capability on open roads and streets at less than Level 5 autonomy is utter madness. 

Including Brian right? He gets his (not insignificant from a global perspective) paycheck from a company that makes money when people buy things that they probably don't need. Then he gets to pontificate on who does and does not get to write about climate change while making money off of it. 

I feel like you should know the answer to that already: no good reason to.

Those immediate consequences are something like: leaving the road with the cruise locked at 65.



The answer to the headline is “never”. You’re welcome

this is what happens when society tries to silence any form of speech. Eventually the speech you support is what becomes silent. I didnt hear anyone complain when conservatives were getting bounced from social media platforms

This is the inherent problem with a ban heavy system I have been speaking about for years. There is no way for a site with millions of videos and thousands of uploads an hour to remove content in a nuanced way. That’s why youtube and other social media platforms should be regulated to allow ALL SPEECH so long as it