
Roland does come across what, if I recall correctly, he describes as an “emotional vampire”.

You’re making a lot of assumptions about me and what I’m trying to do. Rest easy my friend. I’m not advocating for finger wagging anyone. As far as I see it, questions of what makes someone a good person or a bad person are irrelevant and part of the problem in the first place. Instead of getting into a discussion

You kinda come off like a slow tool

Ahhh, the old “I don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about so I’ll refer to some bullshit I read one time and never researched” argument, the one used to justify an attempt at a jab at a property greater than anything the OP has ever (or will ever) accomplish.

I’m amazed no one else is really pointing this out, he threatened the people that were trying to save his car. I would’ve been done too.

I’m sorry, but no.

Thanks Malthus.

The growth of the population is slowing down and has been for decades. Most wealthy countries (US included) are breeding *below* the replacement rate. It’s immigrants keeping the population viable.

If the west were to, say, actually sacrifice economically to improve the lot of the global south, their birthrates would

This should all go really well. 

raises the question. leads to the question. Not “begs the question.”

The issue is that AOC thinks, after a lifetime of bathing in identity politics, that anyone who disagrees with her is a racist. She doesn’t posses the intellectual framework to see it otherwise, and it appears that you do not either, Jack.

He’s wrong. After 2 weeks of overtime, code quality plummets, and your code needs more work having to be fixed than the value the initial check in provides.

I’ve worked on enough AI stuff to know that building automation around "harassment" is a very daunting task, and I've done enough automation to know how expensive people are and the number of people it would take is obscene relative to the amount of content added to YouTube daily

I don’t know if most realize the scope of the job - it requires so much more than 50, or 500, or even 5000 people. Over 300 hours of video are added to youtube every. Single. Minute. That, combined with the automated “weaponization” of their reporting tools and copyright strikes means the number of bodies required

Anyone I don’t agree with = Nazi’s

Yeah, not really sure why it took fifteen or so paragraphs to say what you just did in a single sentence. And I don’t think any reasonably-intelligent person reads “robots are coming for your job” even remotely as literally as this article suggests ...

I feel like this needs to be a note attached to every single one of these workplace harassment stories: