
(warning: incoming #HotTake) — I’ll contend that this is the best of the prequels. You could argue that’s a low bar, and you can definitely argue that it’s a somewhat unnecessary chapter and doesn’t quite fit in with the other two. But as a standalone movie, and a movie only, despite its flaws, I think it holds its

I’m still a bit miffed that they cancelled Sym-Bionic Titan after the first season.  That show still had a lot of meat left on the bones.

What monkey paw do I have to wish on to get another season of Sym-Bionic Titan?

Watch Drogon only be mildly inconvenienced or unhittable by the scorpions next week.

Really bad writing killed Rhaegal.

No you worded it just fine.  I understood.  The people piling on you are just on the left side of the bell curve.  They’d probably agree with you if they could read.

Humans have been undergoing exponential population growth for their entire history.

Runaway nuclear reactors, crashed planes, cars and trains. Ships sinking, foundering and crashing into ports. Governments toppled/crippled. Babies/kids without families to care for them meaning a real strain on support systems. Just a real shit show all around if half the world’s population just turned to dust. Need a

While i wholly agree, starting a sentance with “Fuck somebody” and then slamming hate enthusiasts may not be the best approach.

Some of y’all just need to calm the fuck down about spoilers. What did you think he was just gonna be stuck in the quantum realm the whole fucking time? It’s not a spoiler to show that something that obviously was going to happen happened. Same with the Tony thing. Oh yeah they’re going to build up this whole heroic

The whole thing is a lie, anyway. The machines’ imprisonment of the humans is based on their desire to protect and preserve humans as a species, not out of any practical need. Whether Morpheus knew it was a lie is up for grabs, though.  The reason I interpret his words that way is because he says, “..to keep us under

This isn’t really true. You can just wear the blues until you get powerful rewards, which are not hard to get and will start dropping at 640+ once your average power level is 640. You can be back to all purple stuff within minutes.

I really wanna believe you, but then I read it on the Internet./s

Probably around the same time as everyone and their mother began to use social media.

I’m so excited to go to Disneyland in 2022 when the crowds for this finally become relatively manageable.

Makes sense...if 50% of the population died off, many many planes would have crashed out of the sky and all air traffic would be shut down. It’d be like end times.

You would think that would be tough, with 50% of the earth’s population gone, most places are probably in chaos.....

Here’s what you do, from one tired dad to another:

From an energy standpoint - all crpytographic blockchain calculation is energy prohibitive, and with quantum computing - potentially moot. Even in a fusion economy the actual value of the work to encrypt the block chain will always be less than the actual energy consumed by the work being done for the blockchain. But

Ah, yes, the glorious days of segregation, am I right? Of crushing oppression by the USSR and Communist China, and the nuclear arms race? The glory days of female empowerment, no? The wonders of a surging American economy - helped just a bit by the fact that much of the rest of the industrial world had been

I really didn’t care for the SciFi channel series. Just off the bat, I hated that they made the Atreides family blonde, because they are the good guys, including Jessica, as if their hair color wasn’t actually integral to their characterization. The Atreides are descended from the Greeks, with black hair, and Jessika