
...sure it’s not just you incurring these bad feelings and projecting them onto the group? I mean... in essence you’re attempting to speak on behalf of everyone in your group and you already let slip you’re the organizer of the monthly event. You are definitely noticing the party poopers if nobody else is. You’re

SO where is the efficiency and water savings?

I feel like there’s a lot you could learn about how things work in Japan.

Gotta feel bad for the red BMW that pulled over, only to get utterly destroyed by that Audi TT.

Gotta feel bad for the red BMW that pulled over, only to get utterly destroyed by that Audi TT. From what I’m seeing, stopping on the track is far more dangerous than just slowing down, threading past the accident and moving on.

I know we’re all congratulating the guy for trying to help but honestly he broke one of the first rules of being on a hot track. You NEVER get out of the vehicle, unbuckle, etc until the track has been red flagged and cleared. He could’ve easily been killed if one of those cars came barreling through a few seconds

We are dealing with an ages-old problem. Most people are either unwilling or unable to discern the truth when presented with lousy information that happens to align with their own biases. Expecting Facebook (or Twitter, or Google, or any other similar medium) to somehow become the perfect arbiter of truth is wishful

Ok hold up, in this post pussy grabbing time we’re in, is this okay? I mean, I guess what I’m asking is, can I fake-punch her in the crotch and it not seem sexist or bullish?

The National political parties chose the two worst candidates in modern history, and you want to blame the Russians? The problem is not the Russians. It is the death grip the DNC and RNC have on US elections systems.

You underestimate just how far tolls will go for the LULZ

This seems like a Damned if you, damned if you don’t kind of situation. I’m happy they published the adventure, even if they stumbled. They tried, which is a weird thing I have come to appreciate from white people around me as a PoC. It’s awkward sometimes, but I appreciate they try to include me and be mindful of me

Now playing

There are two main problems, everything else is just window dressing.

I love XKCD too. However, Asimov’s set of three laws is a plot device that allowed him to tell interesting stories about people and machines. They are shot through with paradoxes for that reason, and Ike was horrified when people suggested that they be implemented in real robots.

“...it wasn’t programmed how to lie.”

As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, I’ve been making games for close to 30 years now, and on occasion have had to be the public face of a particular game on a forum or for an interview so I completely get where these devs are coming from.

It has nothing to do with the Internet. In the pre-Internet days it happened, but the threats showed up in the mailbox written on paper.

These 12-17 year olds being pricks on reddit aren’t drawing on decades of experience.

No, you really can’t. Seriously, why do people keep trying to defend shitty fans? It really does not matter what “the devs” have done; it does not justify any of the fan shittiness.

I’ve been in game development for close to three decades now. And it is absolutely true that we love to talk about our craft.

and i bet a good number of comments on this article will completely justify it’s publication.