
Are you not capable of holding two thoughts in your head?

Take NYC out of this and it becomes an alarming upward trend.

It makes sense that the ship would be coming from the direction of the sun

You can do a better Last Word than that. Here’s another try.

The demographic complaining about TLJ, who say it sucks, it notoriously a collection of awful people or people who severely need to reconsider their ability to usefully engage storytelling. Saying that is not a sign of toxicity.

Why anyone does anything other than the Thrallway for pure Kill X” quests mystifies me.

...lots of generalized theories in psychology that, once you dig into the data, are based on the self-reporting or volunteer testing...

You should have gone with “Have you stopped beating your wife?”

It really is one of the most inept straw-man arguments I’ve seen. Kind of impressive in a stupid way.

Thank you for saying this. I imagine one of the first things something like Rehoboam would predict is it’s own demise...and then do something about it.

You understand the Fremen aren’t native to Dune and aren’t pre-industrial and don’t need you saving them anymore than they need Paul.

Fail often, fail early.

That’s a reasonable response. In that case I’d say the test was never run, but now I’m splitting hairs. This article characterizing the act of testing as a failure when the objective of testing is to discover how the object in test fails is misleading.

It looks like Musk even tweeted it could have been a test

It’s not a failed test. A failed test would be if the test didn’t happen. The test succeeded, the results were not as expected.

Someone please ask the good doctor how many cases are in Taiwan and how effective has the Taiwan response been compared to other regions.

For whatever solace and comfort it might bring you a complete stranger things you’re doing good.

Yes. Your friends, family, community will appreciate it when quarantines are relaxed.

I have no response to that.

You are one dense brick. I’ll spell it out for you.

By eliminating any doubt it supports only listening to women, in their most dire moment of need, when their is incontrovertible evidence.

If on the other hand the movie maintained some ambiguity it would clearly illustrate how and how not to support women when they