
I can’t take seriously any environmental strategy that doesn’t center around nuclear power.

I feel like “false equivalence” is the “well actually” of progressives. I could be wrong. 

The bizzaro-world ill-informed conventional wisdom that humanity is overpopulating the earth, disproved with a bare minimum of URL’ing “earth population”, is truly disheartening. It’s really a text book case of Othering at a scale not seen for 90 years.

Characterizing billions of people you don’t know as a herd needing culling not only makes you dumb, but an aggressively resistant kind of dumb. Believing the death of billions of people wouldn’t be an unimaginable catastrophe makes you so myopic you must be looking through your own asshole to see the world.



I agree with you, needlessly adding X to words is a fucking moron thing to do.

don’t you mean typx?

You can yell fire in a theater if the theater is on fire. You can also yell fire in a theater if there is no one else present. This metaphor should be quoted accurately or not used.

Common usage for Lovecraftian today refers to the settings he and many others contribute to, and not H. P. Lovecraft’s opinions on race. Think of it as Tolkien-esque used to describe classic D&D.

Think of the children...who survive Women’s reproductive rights.

But Pelosi and AOC making comments isnt likely to sway Zuckerberg from collecting billions, so really it’s just more about posturing in public?

The Movie industry is also over 100 years old and can trace its origins to theater production, while game development is maybe 40 years old. Process Maturity is a big problem in game dev.

More time in pre-production. Earlier and more rigorous testing.

management being forced

If only there was a record of this “error” occurring again and again and again that managers could study in order to avoid making the same mistake themselves.

If only...

Any other conclusion is myopic.

they freaked out and slipped up

There’s not going to be a draft because the armed services do not want draftees. On average they make horrible soldiers.

Your answer is murdering billions of innocent people because someone made media you don’t like?

In the past week, the United States assassinated Iranian major general Qassam Suleimani in a move that many people thought might actually trigger World War III.