
You’ve been watching too many ‘80s movies.

Anyone who reads the Manifesto should be forced to read “Gulag Archipelago.”

My favorite part is these assholes frightening this young child and then throwing her to the wolves. There should be a ring of hell for demagogues who use children as political shields.

December 7th, 2019, a night which will life in infamy a traffic pylon was suddenly and accidentally run over by ground forces of the Empire of Elon.

It’s also a punchline all by itself...

Egon bought the farm.

Plastic bottles you say?

If you’re not part of the problem then you’re not part of the problem, I was technically replying to gnatb “Reduce the population by said billion people.“ I suggest you stop pretending there aren’t people today not only advocating these ideas but putting them into practice all across the world the results being mostly

The NAZIs called it lebenstraum. Stalin called it a 5 year Plan. Mao called it a Revolution, and then later the One-Child Policy. In India they have sterilization camps for women. In Uzbekistan women are being steralized against their will. Show me population control that isn’t tantamount to some form of genocide and

Look at nearly any article on here relating to population and there are maniacs lamenting their time on earth until an asteroid kills us all. They are not discussing resource consumption or supply chain logistics or economic policy. Nope, it more often than not boils down to “too many people is bad”.

You psychopaths with your thinly veiled cheer-leading for genocide can relax. As soon as women escape poverty, gain access to education, and access to birth control birth rates plummet to below replacement value. This mindlessly repeated canard about overpopulation is pretty goddamned inexcusable considering the

Don’t interrupt the rage with reason, it’s what keeps the lights on here at Kotaku.

Stupid and hardworking...such a recipe for disaster.

Thank god someone said something...I thought I was taking crazy pills.

It’s not as feasible as fiction makes it sound. Earth’s atmosphere is so thick that most types of kinetic orbital weapons would either have to be very large, very dense, or both. If not they will either break up or slow down, either of which means it’s not an effective weapon.

It’s simply not cost effective by any

What does any of that have to do with Hearthstone or Blizzard?

If you ask me The Walking Dead is the shark jump of zombie media.

All of it. It gets all of it wrong. And to think the director was worried about a zero g tear.

Remember this bullshit...maybe don’t be in such a hurry to support suppression of free expression next time.

An article titled “When will we run out of water” is apriori worthy of scorn.

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Anything that takes creativity or logic is probably going to be safe.