
Even Leftovers was 85% turd if you look past the excellent acting.

Lindelof is going to sucker people in with overly dramatic characters in absurd mysterious situations only to fall back on his same old stupid canard “it’s not about the story”.

Among the most critical accusations leveled at Tesla’s “autopilot” this always seems to be overlooked, that Tesla vehicles are extraordinarily safe and protect occupants better than other vehicles in cases where the occupants would suffer injuries. I wonder if it’s some form of survivor bias taking place. https://en.wi

A machine that doesn’t cease operation and fail safe when it receives known bad inputs (or no inputs at all) is in fact letting you not operate it properly.

There is so much more richness and meaning in what you’ve just written compared to that quote. I can’t really find much to disagree with now that I understand your ideas better.

You’ve contradicted yourself in your own reply. I don’t think you’ve got this figured out yet. You also seemed to have missed the point I made about zero-sum moral absolutism.

Quotes about protecting a bully in class shouldn’t be used to finger-wag at people literally unable to act. Or do you think a reasonable course

Lots of people have said similar. I reject their zero-sum moral absolutism.

“O con noi o contro di noi”—You’re either with us or against us- Benito Musolini

“...each man must choose between joining our side or the other side. Any attempt to avoid taking sides in this issue must end in fiasco.” -Lenin

“You’re either with

Watch more youtube videos of bar/street/random idiots fighting. This is the typical approach of a guy looking for an excuse to escalate.

Driver gets out and stances up like he’s ready to fight. Yea, his car is no longer a priority.

Now playing

This is a long debated topic. I’m of the opinion that depicting violence without also depicting the long term consequences is dangerously close to glorifying violence. Also the passage of time changes both how we view events depicted in film, and the audience viewing these films. 

Every war movie, even the anti-war movies, are pro-war movies.

Evidence seem to be pointing to the contrary.

I suspect most “40 hours” at game development studios are closer to 25-30 productive hours and 10-15 non productive hours.

Lang: We’ll just get more time or whatever.

I’m not one of these people who believes after 40 hours you start making more mistakes, and it’s ineffective.

I suspect the Dunbar Number has more implications besides max social network nodes. I suspect it also reveals our limited capacity to comprehend magnitudes. People really don’t understand the scale of video being uploaded every second.

Just a FYI, we tried “not all men” and were crucified for it.

Major red flag!

...wait a second...

The apologistas are alarming to behold.