
Point of order, the Uncanny Valley occurs when an object is created to pass as human and fails. If an object is never intended to pass as human it never approaches the valley.

But it’s also a strange game, and the more I’ve played it, the more apparent that strangeness has become. Here as with many other war video games, the gamification of mankind’s greatest, costliest struggles grates against me every time I play. I think of my grandfather and the toll this war took on him...


It’s a very strange scale when on one plate you put 30 years of post war France bootstrapped by the Marshal Plan, and on the other scale you sort of over look The Great Leap Forward, the Berlin Wall, The Indochina Wars(Vietnam 1946-1989, the Cold War, decolonization of India, Africa, and the Middle East, etc. etc. etc.

In almost every field effort is being multiplied via technology, allowing a single worker to be orders of magnitude more productive, yet worker compensation remains the same, while executive compensation rises. I can’t imagine this trend will continue forever.

And perpetuate the cycle.

This is a business not high-art, people aren’t tools for you to overuse and abuse to achieve your creative bullshit.

Without context hours worked and effort expended are useless metrics.

The internet has entered into a new era, forcing us to second-guess virtually everything we see, hear, and read.

You can take the gawker off the internet, but you can’t take it off the internet.

This isn’t true at all. Dolphins are known to use non-consensual mating, and gangs of male dolphins are known to harass and tire out females until they submit. Gangs of female dolphins sometimes try to prevent this, but they aren’t always successful, and in some cases it may be elaborate courtship behavior we are

It seems everyone has forgotten the Internet is mostly a sewer.

When is it time we start talking about logical, reasonable, alcohol control laws?

Don’t you think it’s reasonable to characterize it as a very broad problem, not at all unique to Star Wars fandom?

The common denominator in toxic behavior, whether it be political, racial, cultural, sexual, media, fandom, sports, religious, etc., etc., is always humans, almost always a form of Other’ing, and almost always a projection of some type of fear, the most powerful of all physiological responses.

Now playing

The phases of the moon and a lunar eclipse are both related to the light we see reflected from the moon, but are very different phenomena. The phases of the moon are the sun-lit portion of the moon we can see from our point of view on Earth. A lunar eclipse is the moon passing through the earth’s shadow.

Here are the

When you learn the importance of free expression from a comic this is the sad result.

Remember this gem? 

I sure hope everyone at RAICES has swept their closets clean. 

Can you please deconstruct suspension of disbelief, 4th wall, plot-driven vs character driven, Secondary World, etc., etc. Here’s some words from Tolkien on the topic of writing fairy stories.