Smokin' Phil Jeffries

Look, I know not everybody has the best relationship with their dad, but it really is very easy to say, “Hey! Don’t say that.” to a family member. I’m sure I do it at least twice every Christmas.

I’m with you. I much preferred season 2 and assumed everyone shared my opinion til nary 3 minutes ago. But I also agree Tulip was wasted.

Wha? You don’t wash them before you sell them. The stank is what you pay the big money for!

There were indications last season that she identifies as female but has to “cross-dress” for political reasons.

I don’t think anyone was claiming it was edgy or brave. Just fun.

Look, I have plenty off used underwear if anyone wants to pay me enough. I guarantee they are well-worn and stretched. They come imbued with the sexy faint odor of sweat of a man who over-indulges in dairy and pork products.

I think Carrie was always willing to admit that she could be a little snarky. We don’t need to pretend otherwise just because she’s dead.

IMHO, better than Ringwald, not as good as Franco.

Interesting choice, having a quote from That 70s Show at the start of the review.

As you say, it’s meant to be “figured out”, not spoiled.

I’ve been waiting for someone to say this.

“We tend to become like the worst in those we oppose.”

I come from the future with bad news.

Next you’ll be saying there is no inherent value to a rare b-side, signed baseball card, or a first edition Ayn Rand. You can see and hear that stuff for free. What’s the big deal.

I’m a Lynch fanatic, but I don’t think I could put him in the top 100.

No offense, but after reading the premise of Toni Erdmann, a million perfect scores will never be enough.

8 stones, you say? Why, I could swear there were 7. [wipes glasses on shirt]

King has withdrawn it from print and disowned it.

I’m aching for Rage, but that will never happen.

Being able to appreciate other qualities of a cartoon besides how often it made you chuckle is not being “too invested”.