Smokin' Phil Jeffries

Well I look at this thread and:

I believe that in the largely forgotten 80s movie “Barfly,” he played a bar that was grotesquely transformed into a fly.

I don’t understand all these horse references.

See, I always thought that Justine Sacco tweet was obviously a tongue-in-cheek jab at the privilege of white westerners. She wasn’t “punching down”, so to speak. If a known comedian said the same thing there wouldn’t have been nearly as much outrage. She never deserved the flak she took for that.

“Flattered” seems like a great word to use. I think it’s also entirely easy to say something as simple as “no thanks I’m married” in a tone that doesn’t come across as trying to make someone feel shitty for asking.

Dan’s actual thing comment wasn’t point-missing; it’s a PSA. Dan is going on the record as a believer in asexuality and telling the people reading his column who don’t know what asexuality is or don’t believe that it’s real that it’s legitimate. That PSA is important since over the years, asexuals have been

Yeah that’s probably a part of it. But I wonder (especially given the wants but not needs) framing if she’s embarrassed by not having the kind of sex drive a lot of men believe from porn* that all women have. Like if she’s learned (or her boyfriends have) that the average woman is always behaving like what they’re

This is the very reason I get upset when “pedophile” is used to describe people who have sex with late teenagers. I’m not an apologist, nor am I implying that it’s okay for adults to fuck teenagers. But words have meanings, and pedophilia is an attraction to pre-pubescent children, which is disgusting for different

Meat-eating vegetarians are a weird pet peeve of mine! There usually are other, fully-functional words to describe their diets, or at least there should be. There have been times when I wanted to scream: “Hey, you! The ‘vegetarian’ devouring the sashimi deluxe platter! You’re a pescatarian!” or “Hey you! The

“Martin Freeman Calls Lucy Liu a Dog” while accurate to the text of what he said, should more correctly be headlined: “Martin Freeman Forgets Americans Wilfully Misunderstand Irony to Generate Clicks.”

No-one is more woke than recognitions. He is the prime authority on all things woke. Do not defy him.

dammit i said /s

Yeah, the most straightforward explanation is that he doesn’t love her, but that he’s comfortable in the relationship and intellectualized his disinterest. (aside from the numbing side-effects of MDMA).

I do not like how trolls want to act as though the fact that the police manage to do their jobs when they don’t kill Black people is supposed to make up for the times when they killed Black people under color of authority and got away with it. It’s as if they’re deflecting from the topic at hand. Oh wait! They are!

The “running with lightsaber” phenomenon: I feel like this is one of the more egregious examples of whipping out your laser sword well before you intend to actually cut something with it. Put a foot wrong and you accidentally decapitate yourself. C’mon, Jedi, safety.

He’s a master codebreaker, an ace pilot, a poet with a blaster.

It took my dad schooling me on the racism of the LAPD to understand, as a white 18-year-old, why black people were actually rooting for OJ. My befuddlement had nothing to do with a black man murdering a white woman. It was just that I watched the whole stupid van chase and generally it was obvious that he did it. So


I'm scrolling through the comments and I don't see that anyone has posted this yet.

This post is short enough to be read all the way through.