Smokin' Phil Jeffries

Comparing True Detective and Doll & Em is batshit crazy.

I got a Hannibal notification for this?

If she’s not having sex because she needs to or wants, I guess she’s just doing neighbourly favours. 

Almost certainly, though it pays off in the 3rd book. Have at it.

I feel the accepted opinion is how superior Annihilation is to the rest of the series, but Acceptance is just great. There are so many scenes still stuck in my head.

Urgh. I hate when you try to score some eccies and get goey.

This is why letter-writers should be available for cross-examination. “Semi-frequently” could mean twice a week or every three months.

I’ve received 7 dickpics while I’m typing this, but none of them were even saintly, let alone divine.

Are you just bragging about your penis?

At last, the voice of reason I crave.

Yep, but how many do they shoot for no apparent reason?

White people were really quite disgusting in the way they turned on him.”

“keep locked up”. That won’t happen.

Jared Leto II

Splitting when he arrives at the Fremen makes some sense, but it means very little happens in the first part: go to planet. learn about planet, gom jabbar, get smashed by Sardaukar, flee.

Love Villeneuve, but the chances of this working are minute. The more time goes by, the more I consider the Lynch version an admirable effort.

I think I’m down to Elvis Costello, Randy Newman and Don Walker. Maybe Andy Partridge if wanted to release anything.

That’ll do, pig. That’ll do.

So, this is how we appear to Americans?

The Godfather cliche taken to another level.