Smokin' Phil Jeffries

“looking for some comments”. Yes. That’s why I used to come here.

Been reading Dan Chaon’s book of short stories, Stay Awake. I really like his novels, and with the stories you get a real sense of the themes that he returns to. I think I’m going to go back and read all his stuff.

My mulberries are in full fruit right now, but there have been occasions where I’ve seen some just about ripe and suddenly they’re gone. The main suspects are hungry birds and hungry neighbours.

And the “no you are” name-calling just kinda validates it as a term, when it should really be dismissed as childish nonsense. I’m not unaware of the level of irony, but I don’t think those self proclaimed alpha-males are aware of it.

There are plenty of actors that I love, but 12 months later I can’t even remember they’re dead. HDS genuinely saddens me though. It seems like he was there when I first started loving movies and never went away. I can’t imagine anyone who is a real movie fan not being a fan of his work.

He was great in Wild at Heart. The resigned look on his face when he realised he’d been betrayed and was about to die, barking at the hyenas on the TV.

“That’s a real bird!”

Unwanted pregnancy, hi-jinks with new family, baby troubles, infanticide, Lynchesque white-noise crescendo. Coherent.

He took all the condoms with him? It don’t appear he’s trying to keep his intentions a secret. A gentleman would, you know, go the chemist.

I, too, am sometimes tempted by pet foods. But then I try them. They’re not very good.

That sounds kinda fun, actually.

As much as I like the meatballs (which, let’s face it, is the only was Mrs Jeffries can get me to attend Ikea), I feel the princess cake never gets the recognition it deserves.

Pfft. I come here solely for the Kinja hate. Finally, something we can all believe in.

That has not been my experience.

The death-dream? I lover it.

This hasn’t ended well.

I try not to judge people by their fame. Plus, fuck the Mayweathers.


I just went down to the local pub to watch. Not only do you get the fight, there is cold beer and the enjoyment of watching other people’s wildly unlikely predictions not come true.
