Smokin' Phil Jeffries

I mean, did you see how much those sycophants spent on sparkles for their clothes?

Everyone is different, but I was masturbating and had found a way to access porn when I was 10 and this was before the age of internet.

Assuming the results from a study apply to all women is stupid and reductive, but so is thinking that women who have a sexual response are “nymphos or something”.

As an Australian, who gets to choose between “bush weed” and “hydro”, these silly names seem very exciting. But, I imagine, eventually don’t live up to expectations?

Well, besides Amy. She had that thyroidal weight gain.

If wight giants were seen getting the dead dragon out the water, I’d be all, “Hey! Why didn’t they wade across the lake earlier?”

“But Bran, how do you know about about Jon’s parentage?”

Wouldn’t a wight dragon be more dangerous than a white walker dragon? A WW can be easily killed by whacking it with some now plentiful dragonglass. A wight has to be chopped to bits.

Sorry. I tried to upvote a few times, but your tally just kept dropping....

That’s how the Japanese live-action movie ended. I honestly couldn’t work out if it made no sense or I was just too slow to understand it.

Or are you?

Look, if you can’t instantly recall 20 random letters, you shouldn’t be here.

He’s talking about spoilers for upcoming episodes, I believe, which is fair to be somewhat annoyed by (even if the plot detail has been very well-telegraphed).

There are many negatives to Kinja, but I do enjoy staring at a blurred grey picture for a long time, trying to work out if it’s worth clicking on.

Is is just me, or does that ad make The Defenders look like a pile of shit?

If you choke the chicken, you want to get all the germs off it before you, you know, serve it to a customer.

We lowly zeta weaklings are just glad to be ignored.

There’s obviously something going on with Ol’ Saddles Shoes, but I think I’d prefer if it was left unexplained rather than “it was all a dream”.

Once and future ex.

My Kinja account got linked to my Disqus account rather than my AV club account. I guess I’m buggered.