Smokin' Phil Jeffries

I don't think you comprehend. Let me give you some more detailed instructions on how to connect to the internet.

I'm not going to try to converse rationally with you. That would be pointless. Just want to say, you are a dick. I loathe Trump, but I'd take his son over you any day.

I love it. It takes a little while for the different threads to connected, but overall it's less confusing than the average Lynch.

It's just an icky transition in conversation is all.

There are plenty who will blindly support anything Trump does. I've enjoyed seeing the right embrace Russki relations in recent times. I'm hoping I will now see some impassioned defence of any kink culture.

People like to confess.

I suspected that we'd never an episode of this quality again. I'm glad I kept watching.

Considering Murakami is a national hero, it's hardly surprising they should appreciate Lynch.

I love Clowes, Hanselmann, Gilbert Hernandez & Bagge. Not because they're on Fantagraphics, or because they love Crumb. I'm not a hipster. I'm a middle-aged family man. who likes comics.

I'm not a big fan of pigtails, but she pulls it off just fine.

In her defence, she was the best that ever was.

I mean, who has ever watched The Usual Suspects, gotten to the Keyser Söze reveal and said, "Damn, that was great, but I wish it had taken an extra six hours of my life to get there?"

Somehow I missed Mose Allison's death last month. How the fuck did that happen?

If you like Bundy, I reckon you'd really like Saxby's. I'm not sure how widely distributed it is, though.

DMOFL: Dead Man On Floor Laughing?

My dreams are already haunted by an awful lot of seaman & hysterical laughter.

I find Buckley's version unnecessarily florid. Cale for me.

"Well some of her work can be a little-"
"He loves paedophiles. Get 'im!"

Some of your comments are absolutely moronic. Many are fine, but this is definitely one of the stupider efforts.

Coincidentally, I've been listening to the Apartments' No Song, No Spell, No Madrigal this week. They're another Australian band from around Cave's time, and the album would appear to be almost entirely about the death of the singer's son.