Smokin' Phil Jeffries

"it feels like every line is dryly mumbled by a cast that can only barely keep itself awake."

In the next couple of weeks, they have concerts by Queensryche and Quiet Riot.

Mooning? Lol. You so old. For kids today it's goatse or nothing.

I'm not some dozy sheila!

If you're a guest, I'd be limiting my responses to pointing out that your boyfriend obviously feels differently. It sounds like he's trying to have things escalate. Don't give him the satisfaction.

I like the video for Little Green Bag also. It's black and white. It has a verse of a man (George Baker?) walking through a wooded area, looking at the ground, presumable for said bag. And then verse of a woman on a horse doing the same.

I'm pretty happy with my blender.

East of West Vol 6 - for mine, the best current series going around and endlessly inventive. I think Hickman can be sometimes be needlessly complicated for more mainstream work like New Avengers, but it's a great fit here.


[Gives partner some ham]

Yeah, but they lived a full life of martinis and cigars.

You should check out Predestination if you haven't already.

Why did they walk out?

Read "The Tourist" by Robert Dickinson, some smarter than average sci-fi. I must admit to being a sucker for well thought out time-travel twists, and there was plenty to entertain me here. The ending, which failed to resolve some questions, was a little disappointing.

I'm of the opinion that Ellroy's peak was relatively brief. Fortunately, it was also very good and you're right in the middle of it.

You win.

It's a terrible feeling when you're eating something and it doesn't taste particularly nice, and you start thinking, "This tasted great last time. Did I muck up the recipe? What was I doing last time?……oooooh."

I enjoyed Bone but I'm fairly pessimistic about the adaptation being any good.

Release date in Australia is 2/2/17. Motherfuckers. It's like they're goading me into torrenting.

Lulz. AA Dowd, once so curmudgeonly with his gradings, has now given out 2 As. I find this even more hilarious because of his initials.