
If you ever wanted a concise explanation for why gamers at large are bad, the fact that they’re very mad that a pugilist character is wearing a sports bra is a pretty good one.

I’d give ‘em a bit more credit than that, mainly because this isn’t a White Wolf game, but a Paradox game. Paradox straight-up dissolved and absorbed the “old” White Wolf thanks to the controversies surrounding the fifth edition of Vampire: The Masquerade, especially some lovely stuff pertaining to Chechnya in the

At this point, we have two major political parties in the US- The far-left of the Democratic Party, and the centrists of the Democratic Party. Functionally, they’re about as different as the Dems and GOP in the 1980s.

thankfully their opposition feels it would be indecorous to actually try to hold them to anything, out of terror it would make cocktail parties with Betsy DeVos awkward


Ironically, I have *no* interest in the rest of DC streaming’s output, and am waiting for Doom Patrol to be available on download/DVD before I can watch it.

People who are let down and beat down enough eventually stop coming back. 

...when they hit the Senate. The House votes to impeach (or not), and it’s the Senate who convicts on the charges (or not). The Craven Turtle will quash conviction for sure, but the House can (and should) begin the process and hold hearings. 

I do not care if he can’t be impeached because of the senate. I do not care about the ‘but what if it hurts our chances in 2020!?!?’ bullshit.

But how do you do that with a president who actively denies Russia is a problem?

That man deserves a warm, whole turkey that was punched out of a trash can.

I think the fact he even considers “she” could really be a 4/10 is enough to reveal he’s an ASS. Maybe their relationship isn’t compatible. Maybe he’s just insecure because he’s never had another relationship.

But it says more about the LW that he puts so all the emphasis on her and her supposed faults for his

Always So Sincere: Stop Masturbating to porn - or at least cut down a lot. It works against you, creating this amazing fantasy realm where you get many of the best parts of sex - It’s easy to initiate, any woman you choose, less work, easy to do quickly, without any of the parts of sex you may not like, smells,

His concerns are valid, sure; but it is the way he breaches them by talking about how awesome he is and describing his girlfriend as a pudgy dullard. 

I’ll never understand people (men or women) like that. I’ve been through a few breakups in my time; sometimes I was doing the breaking up, and others I was the one being left behind.

Being left hurts. It stings on a fundamental level (assuming you weren’t also hoping to get out of the relationship, which did happen to

Yeah, dude was NOT happy once she started dating me, to the tune of day-long text strings and calling her a whore.

...oh dear.

Well when you’re so intellectually superior why would anyone want you to stop talking?

I know this makes me sound like a shallow douche

In order: