
Why would you want people going to other sites for information you could simply add to the article in less than 2 seconds?

Why exactly? It prevents readers from having to leave the site to find info about the game listed in the article. I am sure the publishers and developers would like the information included and it literally would take nothing away from the article.

Yeah, I found it. I would, however, think that the goal of articles like this would be to not send me to other sites to find this information. If you are talking about a game, I would say pertinent info like publisher, platform, release date, and price should probably be included. At least that is what my old editor

This is not a knock directly at Kotaku. So many online places do this and I have no clue why. When I reviewed comics and games for a magazine we included cost. Especially for games where prices can range from $1.99 to $59.99. It’s kind of an important thing to tell your audience.

Petition to add the cost of games to reviews and previews if it is available.

She must have seen Trump throwing paper towels at Puerto Ricans and got angry that he was wasting *her* taxpayer dollars on “illegals”.

The one snarling into the comically large phone seems to be suffering from especially acute economic anxiety, or something.

You don’t have to date him, you don’t have to marry him, you just have to want to get the country going in the right direction,” Kurek said.

Sort of torn on the episode, as with the whole season. It’s clear that whenever, if ever, GRRM finishes his books, it won’t be anything like the last three seasons of GoT. But if you look at the books as a subversion of beloved fantasy tropes — particularly the damnable Hero’s Journey™ — then the episode succeeds on

I didn’t want him to go back to Cersei, but it seemed believable to me. A lot of people want to have some sort of closure with toxic parents, etc. when they are on their deathbeds. He needed to be there when she died. That doesn’t erase any of his redemption for me personally. It is not like he decided to go an

America has ALWAYS been about pulling the ladder up after you’ve gotten any type of rights. The most racist person I knew growing up was my friend’s grandfather who came here from Italy when he was younger.  There’s nothing quite like a first-generation immigrant saying that black people should “go back to Africa”.  

I am not a woman, nor am I trans, but I will say (and feel free to ignore me): If you are willing to side with people who actively seek to disenfranchise you, subjugate you to their authority and condemn you for your lifestyle choices or mere existence, all to hurt another marginalized community, then you have no

Don’t forget the economic realities. Being able to control fertility made it possible for women to enter the non-home work force and to do well. These troglodytes want women barefoot and pregnant.

I compared a random TERF on here to a bigot who likes to opine that all black people steal, at which point they assured me this was a WILD misinterpretation and to “go look at the statistics, I’m just RATIONAL”. Which is, of course, exactly what bigots who opine that all black people steal will say.

This one didn’t

This made me so want to scream so loud that I could only ready 1/3 of it before I had to stop for my own sanity. This world we live in is trash.

This was one of the most difficult things to read. I have so many trans people in my life, reading about such enduring and targeted hatred towards them - particularly from a group that should be counted as sisters and allies - is nauseating.

I fucking hate all of these people. And that goes for every Republican lawmaker in my home state of Ohio, who are trying to pass similar bullshit here. The ONLY reason I stay in this godforsaken state is because my vote is needed, and these conservative pricks can kiss my shiny, liberal ass.

As a woman in Alabama, I want everything to burn to the ground.  

If trans women were really women, they would understand that the issue is male violence and they would sit down with us and civilly work together with us to find an acceptable solution to this problem.