
King of Comedy 2: Rupert Pupkin, now a beloved TV host, is intrigued and disturbed by his latest comedy find — a troubled thirtysomething man named Travis Bickle Junior. On Netflix this December.

I’ve been on two juries. Both experiences convinced me never to do anything that would put me at the mercy of the judgment of my peers, because the shit people SAY back there...

It’s the same sort of BS they use when insisting that, because the story justifies how a female character is dressed, it’s not an issue. Or when they claim that discussion of gender representation in media is somehow just being puritan because we just ~want women to cover up~. They don’t actually care about discussing

Exactly. Saying “I don’t understand this thing” isn’t used as a starting point of self-awareness for trying to understand a different point of view, but instead a preface for intellectual laziness, i.e. “I know everything about everything, so anything that isn’t immediately obvious to my huge genius brain must be

I get that not everyone (a) understands or (b) agrees with what, say, feminists do all the time. But there’s a distinct difference between a good faith attempt to engage and celebrating one’s ignorance:

Dude terminx and daedolon come off as really entitled broey jerks in those messages. The perfect toxic pair of, “I say edge shit” & “Because I don’t understand it, it’s stupid.” The whole discord seems filled with people who love to live in a state of purposeful misunderstanding because it fits their agenda.

Also, a

“Something I don’t really understand about the social justice stuff is that they have stuff like the ‘slut walk,’ which I thought was about the right to not be harassed for how they dress but, then if you portray women dressed the same way you get shit for it,” Terminx wrote in a discussion with other members of the

Because it deserves to brushed off. Get over yourselves and download the damn launcher if you want your game.

Joe Rogan defended this little twerp twice on his show. I don’t care what he wants to call himself but at the end of the day they had a name for him from WW2, nazi-sympathizer.

Lets look at the sequence of events. A *church group* pulled children out of school and bused them across state lines on a school day. They then handed out political MAGA hats and had them stage a bigoted ‘astroturf’ counter protest. This story goes much deeper than one mere asshole.

If you support a right wing fascist with a maga hat, deny women access to abortion rights, surround a native elder and smirk like an idiot, you deserve a beating. This guy blames WaPo for his poor actions? Time to man up little boy. Stop playing the victim card Trumptards.

“I believe fighting for justice for my son and family is of vital national importance,” Nicholas’ father Ted Sandmann said in a statement,

This coming from a Catholic High School that promotes black-face.

Good on the judge.

Entitled little smug sack of shit inserts himself into a guaranteed shitstorm situation and when he gets called out.... hurt feelings lawsuit. Fuck this wonderbread white kid and his flag waving apple pie parents. Hope someone burns down their house(s) while they’re vacationing in Maldives and treating the “help” like

No win for MAGAt Boy. Too bad, so sad.

I remember when the Dolphins hired Adam Gase away from the Bears and us Bears fans were very upset about it because of how great he was with Cutler that year. And then they signed Dowell (not a name) Loggains and he perpetually shit the bed every week while coaching Brandon Marshall, Alshon Jeffrey, and Matt Forte.

Heard. Love the game. Loved SOTN when I was 14. This is exactly what was promised, and I love it.

Yes I’m aware of all the philosophical debates around bias and how it’s impossible to not have bias when reviewing something. I’m obviously not debating whether or not a human can be truly objective. I’m just saying there’s no actual concrete bias for or against the game in the article. He’s just reviewing it and

Critiquing a writer is valid if you’ve chosen to engage with their work from start to finish.