
Jesus, tell me about it. Put regular people in charge of the life of someone else and suddenly they feel comfortable airing out every horrifically hateful or brain-meltingly stupid thought in their giant empty gourds. 

And so far no one has been able to explain to me why transgenderism is anything beyond a mental issue.

I will buy ten copies of the first game where the devs do an Epic exclusive and say “go fuck yourselves” to every entitled neckbearded manbaby who throws a tantrum about it.

As always, way to fucking go Iowa. Congratulations on re-electing this embarrassment yet again. 

“Previously when they ripped me off I gave them money and thanked them, and now for some reason they keep doing it!”

Grandpa, it’s time to log off and take your meds.

You know how you save Sour Skittles? You go back to the original Sour Skittles. Still came in a green bag but they didn’t have sour sanding on them, the candy itself was just sour flavored and it was fanfriggintastic. I loved those things. If I ever find a crate of them in the back of some gas station time forgot

I abandoned the piece because it was itself reading so emotional.

Another internet victory for the exact sort of trash she was talking about! God damn, I’m tired of companies craving to the screeching persecution complexes of absolute jackwagons.

I worked out a good deal with her where I would just send assorted humans I wanted to discreetly disappear her way and she’d take care of them for me. She ended up being sort of my garbage disposal for annoying NPCs that I didn’t want to kill directly, like that one obsessed stalker that wouldn’t stop blabbing about

True, gamers at large won’t have a serious tantrum unless an extra minority character is added.

weird bear suit-wearing Teddie being a creep, Morgana and Teddie fighting over who’s the best cute-and-fuzzy mascot for the group

You could always play the rest of the Blazer trilogy that Terranigma is from. The games aren’t directly connected except in minor ways; it’s more like they’re thematically connected. There’s Soul Blazer, which is more action than RPG, and Illusion of Gaia, which is a good balance of both.

Artifact’s controversial business model—which allowed players to obtain new cards only by purchasing or trading—was a big sticking point for many players. When pressed, Garfield refused to classify the system as pay-to-win. He explained that, in his opinion, there are two key parts of pay-to-win: 1) a big

Of course it won’t clear the Senate, that doesn’t matter. The House has an obligation to begin proceedings regardless.

NOT attempting to impeach him is what will screw us in 2020. A tidal wave of Democrats were not elected in 2018 so the hapless dipshits who run our party could sit on their hands. Those midterms were a call to action. If Democrats take that momentum and deliberately deflate it because they’re too chickenshit to

Granted I haven’t had a chance to see King of the Monsters yet, but the human characters being ancillary plot devices with very little invested in them actually sounds like a plus to me. I would much rather have a movie like this err in that direction rather than going the Transformers route, where it feels like the

In all my years working I have only ever met ONE HR director that I thought genuinely was working in that department to protect employees from the company rather than the other way around. Everyone loved her, she always went to bat for us if there was an issue.

I had the same problem with Strange Journey....as much as I love SMT games that was one of the worst for me personally just because it never let up and the result was this incredibly claustrophobic gaming experience that just boiled all my usual demon hunting enthusiasm out of me.

I think #1 would love to be #2, but it’s never going to happen because he’s nowhere near as appealing as he thinks he is.