
Although in fairness we Americans should point out that the fascists never left power in Italy because of us. Right after WW2 Italy was so happy to be out from under Mussolini’s boot that they were openly flirting with socialism, and of course the Allies were all pants-pissingly terrified of scary communists, so we

She supports Trump, I’m pretty sure she doesn’t think Mussolini had it coming. Or Hitler for that matter.

Racist to him means two things. Either A) a white guy in Klan robes burning a cross in front of a black guy he just lynched, or B) some minority somewhere did something he didn’t like.

Good job punting on this one Mueller. Maybe when Trump has you in Gitmo it you’ll have time to reflect on whether or not it was a good idea to pass the baton to his flunkies to interpret things.

If “Oh Denise” is both an attack on the family and mocking the concept of heterosexual relationships then “A gay men commenting on a heterosexual relationship is just. Sad. Pathetic really” and “I think @yashar has a crush on me. Maybe I’m making him doubt his love of penis”and “Oh so sad. @yashar is lost. He

This is the least stupid thing he’s done so far; migration is a great way to stir up his racist hick base. If not for the DOOM CARAVAN to shriek about they might have lost even more seats in 2018.

Here’s hoping Universal and CBS don’t pull a Disney and cave to the transparently fake outrage of jackass rightwing trolls on the internet.

Well it helps that he wasn’t actually fucking with me, he just confused himself and then was too stubborn to adjust his world view once he had the facts. I know way too many adults who have the same problem, so I can’t really blow up at a 4 year old for it.

The answer to A is racist parents, and the answer to B is living in America in 2019. There probably won’t be serious consequences. Not serious enough, anyway.

You don’t start out being able to roll with stuff like this, being a parent is how you learn. Kids are ridiculous illogical little weirdos that look human but haven’t quite figured out how to act like it yet; the things they’re doing make perfect sense to them and to literally nobody else on the face of the earth.

In a saner universe Barbara Lee would be Speaker of the House right now and we wouldn’t be busily helping the Republicans write fake anti-Semitic attack ads against our own party.

West Virginia has deep organized labor roots. The only one helped by this cynical and wrongheaded “Joe Manchin is the best we can do in WV” bullshit is Joe Manchin.

I can cut Jones some slack; he’s got an election coming up and he only narrowly beat out a goddamned child molester and even that only happened because a few thousand Alabama Republican voters wrote in Nick Saban as a joke candidate. In his short time in the senate he’s been on the right side of more issues than Manchi

Not to mention 4) he doesn’t actually think he did anything wrong. In his mind he was perfectly fair, and he’s only offering these lukewarm pseudo-apologies because it seems like the politically practical thing to do.

My nightmare is that the clueless tonedeaf goons running our party force a Biden/Beto ticket on us in the end. “We need lukewarm right-leaning centrists, we don’t want to scare America with another uppity women or terrifying progressive! This is surely a recipe for success!”

THANK YOU, Ava DuVernay seems to get a lifetime free pass on her problematic shit and it drives me crazy. No one ever calls her out for anything. She’s like the Beyonce of directors.

Oh good, I was really hoping I could get my sanity tested on a daily basis for a few decades. At least he’ll keep me on my toes!

The other day my 4 year old pulled this with me and it drove me batcrap crazy. He had gotten this little racetrack for his birthday and it came with two cars, one blue and one red. Some assembly was required so I put together the red one and gave it to him to dick around with while I built the blue one and the track.

Schumer and Pelosi are so motherfucking stupid it’s like they’re TRYING to get Trump re-elected. “Hey, let’s go along with this transparently bad-faith effort by the GOP to smear our entire party as anti-Semitic, just to put one of our uppity new progressives in her place. Surely if we join in on the tarring and

Sophomore year in college my roommate was from New Jersey, who had come all the way to Alabama for college because (and this is a direct quote, it’s seared into my brain) “you guys know how to treat your (guess the word!) around here.” My “what the fuck did you just say” reaction got him to stop saying it around me,