
I don’t think he’s licking boot for access, I think he’s licking boot because someone has dirt on him. The guy is so deep in the closet he’s finding talking lions and precocious British schoolchildren, I doubt it was hard for Trump or his handler Putin to track down a boy or two to get him in line.

Do you think the bribes and grade fixing stopped at the admissions gate, though? I seriously doubt Aunt Becky and her Trump-humping husband dropped $500,000 to get their dimwit daughter in and then left her graduation up to her ability to study and get good grades. I would bet anything that these kids have had their

Thank you for sharing this, it was a fascinating read and a deeply personal one too. I’ve always wondered what goes through the minds of people in that state.

First of all, Omar didn’t say “impeach the motherfucker.” But hey, they all look alike, right?

The pathetic thing is that this performative whining will actually work on Democrats, who are pants-pissingly terrified of looking partisan even when their base is flat out DEMANDING that they be partisan.

What has engaged the Democrat base is righteous fury. That’s what swept us back into control of the house, the recognition that this country is circling a drain and it’s time for those responsible to finally encounter some roadblocks. That we were barely finished celebrating when the old guard fell back into our usual

I wish I shared your optimism, but what I fear is going to happen is just a repeat of 2016 but worse.

We already tried that, and America voted for the toddlers. This is not a country that appreciates logic and nuance, this is a country that appreciates tough talk and doubling down.

...and we’re going to lose it.

Would Democrat voters want to see Democrats fighting this administration in every way possible? Yes, obviously. The election of some many progressive firebrands to the house in 2018 was a clear message to the party to start fighting back, so OF COURSE our perpetually hapless idiot party is instead fighting back

Remind me again how the Benghazi and email business worked out for the GOP? What’s that, absolute control of all three branches of government for years until we barely regained control of one half of one branch only to decide we didn’t want to be too pushy about this silly “rule of law” thing? Yeah, the American

No, cowardly scurrying away from every possible fight is what makes getting him out of office less likely. He’s going to win re-election, and he’s going to win easily. This gutless abdication of responsibility (not to mention the way the Democratic leadership seems more interested in defending themselves from

I’m just so goddamned tired.

He’s getting re-elected no matter what we do, so we might as well try doing the right thing for fucking once. There’s nothing to lose.

You seem to be laboring under the delusion that your demonstrably false persecution complex bullshit is entitled to a polite rebuttal. No, you’ll get “fuck off” and you’ll like it. It’s the maximum amount of effort that your asinine fantasies warrant.

I was trying to get my wife into gaming, which isn’t usually her bag, and so I was wracking my brain to think of something fun and colorful that we could play cooperatively and then I remembered good old PSO. I think it’s the first game she’s tried that she actually enjoyed.

That’s the most pathetic attempt to be obtuse that I’ve ever seen. Are you laboring under the delusion that he’s demonizing all Muslims EXCEPT the ones in New Zealand? Show me that speech, dipshit.

Bloodlines is one of my favorite games of all time, but I never have much faith in sequels to beloved cult classics being made by different developers. (For example I want System Shock 3 to be good so badly I can TASTE it, but I’m not getting my hopes up even with Warren Spector’s involvement.)

Now playing

I loved the end credits song too, got me in to Lacuna Coil.

Fuck off with this bullshit, Cletus; no one is buying it.