
ICE and CBP are where the people too stupid and racist to become cops end up, and this administration’s actions have whittled away all but the absolute worst in both categories.

Oh by all means, PLEASE tell me more about how Jewish people feel about Democrats. This should be hilarious.

Trump could dig McCain up and host his very own Cadaver Synod and every Republican, including Meghan McCain, would loudly condemn it and then vote for him again in 2020.

Doc, I hate starting a post with “please ungrey me” but I’ve been grey at Kotaku for years and know that this might not get seen by the poster otherwise, but I feel like it’s an important thing to bring up.

Newsflash: that voting block is only pissed off about the mostly nonjewish far-right speaking for them. With the exception of the extremist whackjobs at AIPAC who have ALWAYS been far-right exactly no one is buying this “oh man the Democrats are antisemitic now, it’s totally them and not the party that keeps trying to

Yeah, considering Sanders is the only one with an established track record of blowing this thing off even back when it was an unpopular move I’ve got a lot more faith in his principles here than most of the rest, who we’re just going to have to wait and see if they’ve actually evolved on this or are just doing the

You nitwits can keep trying to portray AIPAC as Israel and Israel as Bibi and Bibi as Judaism Incarnate all you want, but nobody, least of all actual Jews, are buying that bullshit.

Even hotter take: “winning” the Cold War only seeded our own destruction, because we turned Russia from a dysfunctional communist union that was already burning itself out into the worst possible fusion of capitalist corruption and communist central authority, basically creating the opportunity for the exact situation

Of course he doesn’t.

Originally it was because they wanted to use gerrymandering too, but did so a little less blatantly and a little less shamelessly, because the Democrats still have some semblance of a sense of shame unlike their counterparts. Once they realized that gerrymandering was helping the GOP far, far more than them they

It tells you a lot about Trump and Kellyanne that noted imbecilic asshole George Conway is looking like goddamn Socrates in his argument with them.

Considering their parents were perfectly willing to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to bribe SAT proctors to fix their test scores what on earth makes you think that any of the grades they’ve received since they got in were legitimate? Do you really think they’re going to leave their investment in that degree

Somehow she escaped it relatively unscathed. In fact it helped her; in a normal administration she’d look like an incompetent nitwit who was in no way qualified for her posting, but next to this rampaging dumpster fire she’s probably the third or fourth most qualified person to ever be hired for a job in the Trump

Why on earth would they expect to still be enrolled in a college they entered fraudulently, whether they knew about the scam or not? Of course every single one of them needs to get expelled to make room for someone who can earn the spot. If they want to attend that university they have to go back and try to earn their

If the Midwest is tired of it they should try being less terrible. This is a lesson that we in the South have struggled to learn as well.

Serious question here, how long do you think it’s going to take before Trump holds his very own 2019 edition of the Cadaver Synod? Because that’s only a few levels of crazy above this.

America had fairly sensible gun laws until pretty recently. The rightwing activist half of a recent supreme court fucked us all with the completely wrongheaded Heller decision in 2008 (finally formally getting rid of that pesky “your dumb redneck ass needs to be in an actual militia” component of the 2nd Amendment)

You must have missed the part where he bought his guns in New Zealand.

You’ll be waiting a while.

Yeah, pretty much EVERYONE ended slavery before we did. And most of them through legislation and not having to divide the country in half and beat the treasonous slavers into submission. I’m not sure why Republicans keep wanting to brag about this.