
'Boy' and 'girl' are not social constructs. You need to stop saying stuff like that if you want people to take you seriously (and a lot of what you say is really valuable and deserves to be heard by a much wider audience).

Huh, so people think that, as a pediatrician, *I'M* making that call arbitrarily? That genotypic and phenotypic sex doesn't exist based on biological data but feelings? That I should not identify the sex of ANY children because 1 in 15,000 babies are born with ambiguous genitalia?

I cannot imagine, to any degree, what it feels to not feel what you're told you are. All my life struggles (real ones that exist, yes) are confined to problems with life, death, and the shock of death (at ages and familial connections where it is genuinely disruptive to "normal" life) that are still "relatively" (and

white feminists have a REAL problem, maybe due to being worried too much about intersectionality, when it comes to calling bullshit on misogyny and transmisogyny in black culture. It's really sad when Robin Thicke is made to be a huge monster for "blurred lines" but it takes chris brown straight up going to jail for

I think pharell is stupid. There. I said it. He's stupid and annoying. And kinda phony. Sigh*. I feel a bit of relief already. Didn't realize how much I needed to get that off my chest.

I remember when I was a teenager I went to a church youth retreat (back when I thought God was cool and all), and this woman was a keynote speaker and she was talking about this story in the bible where this woman (Ruth? Something with an R I think) totally takes this stand against her husband or something, I don't

Thanks for contributing to feminism's bad name. Now it's your turn to piss off.

This explains why my cat and I just lay around all weekend, and why I've started puking up hairballs on the carpet.

As far as I'm concerned, every movie should include Adam Driver.

There are probably quite a few "personal" photos of me out there but I've never worried about revenge porn or anything because I always kept my face out of them. I also don't piss people off enough to want revenge, though. I wouldn't bother telling any of my ex's to get rid of my pics - I'd let their current

Simple solution to all these problems...don't send erotic pictures to anyone. It's never worth it in the end.

I do a lot of interviewing for my company for Web Developers and I have to admit, all I ever see are men (mostly white). I just pull in whoever is qualified based on their resume. And qualified or not, I never see a woman's name on a resume.

Instead of ripping on Google for having the same stats that I am guessing many/most Fortune 500 companies have while facing a much more severe pipeline/feeder issue than say a Coca-Cola does, maybe we can also talk about some of things Google does right, like giving 4 months fully paid mat leave.

When I was visiting Utah I commented that I was surprised by the lack of private LDS schools. I was told they weren't necessary since "we own the public schools here." I don't think it was meant to be creepy but *shiver*.

At first I thought, "They even straightened her hair?!" Then realized these are two different girls :/

I'm not Mormon but I live in SLC. I am absolutely sure this has to do with the LDS "teaching" that girls and women should NEVER expose their shoulders. Just add another mark for theocracy in Utah where one religion thinks it can trample the rights of all.

I see what you're saying, but the substance of his argument is that its just a word that has has absolutely no malicious intent when he uses it. There is a fundamental difference between being hurt by hearing a drag queen calling another drag queen "tranny" and being hurt by a transphobic person physically assaulting

In the video I saw, the first woman picks a fight with a guy for 47 seconds before he loses his temper and kicks her. I don't know what happened before that. Then there was a wrestling match between him and her, and when her pal tries to make it two-on-one, his dreadlocked pal slaps her away, and a second scuffle

I actually think this highlights Ru's argument very well. It's all about intention in how we use words. When Ru says "tranny" there is nothing malicious behind it. When someone uses "tranny" to demean someone, that is entirely different. There are people out there who want to (physically) hurt trans* people as this

Everybody in the incident - the women that got attacked, the men that attacked them and the bystanders - was Black, so it's not racial.