
Fair enough, I don't believe in hitting women either but in my younger days when i was growing up in a pretty rough area I did witness women who would assault men and take it to an extreme then bank on the fact that the men were taught not to hit women. I guess that's why I had a slightly different perspective on

I'm saying, given my familiarity with both the poster CassiebearRAWRand Jezebel, offensive jokes are par for the course and the intent is always "Watch how I make these painfully earnest people groan at this over the top and on the nose joke."

So if it's a huge deal that the race that almost exterminated you wears one.....does that mean you're okay with a Black, Asian, Hispanic, etc. wearing a headdress?

TBQH, the shit I've read in all those "GT confessions" threads leads me to believe that the outrage machine is less about genuine notions of right and wrong and more about saving face in the court of public opinion.

The Scythians were considered European? I though they were considered more West-Asian.

I agree with the idea that people should stop and think about what they're doing. But the practice of an outright ban on things due to hurt feelings can be a slippery slope.

Well if I did anything but apologize and maybe even dared to explain myself, I would be literally Hitler. So what's the point?

Goddamn that was good.

I love you.

But are you allowed to scalp tickets?

I used to be a Kindergarten teacher and the first lesson I learned was that children, almost without exception, are all little sociopaths.

that'd be the ultimate evil

There's no excuse for this. It's not even in Florida (sorry Florida, I jest...). I don't know what the solution is. Better screening and testing of people wanting to be police officers? Regular evaluations? Total overhaul of how they are trained?

Something is obviously very wrong. (To state the...obvious).

Ah, the moral dilemma faced by the Jezebelite between cultural relativism and feminist ideals. Always interesting to see how it plays out.

You probably shouldn't go to the carnival in Spain. You'd spend the whole time offended. So many people dressed as the pope, or priests, making fun of religious symbols...

The other week I was at the grocery store and a new employee was ringing me up. She asked me what the pear I was buying was. My heart got sad for many different reasons.

I made out with him once. (I so rarely have an opportunity to share that bit of information, had to seize the moment).

I can sympathize. I lost my sister in December and I have a goofy clip of her recording a clip of a TV show we loved with her Iphone. On the clip she sent I could hear her giggling, you have no idea how much that small clip and the small sound of her giggling means to me.

What an incredible combination of old-timey plantation era racism tropes, 60s civil rights era racist tropes and modern technology to capture it all.

Orange is the New Black will be responsible for half the women/female minority numbers in 2013.