
do you know many directors besides Almodovar that write so many awesome and substantial roles for actresses, and especially actresses over 40? Say what you want about Allen's personal life but when it comes to his movies, the memorable roles in his movies are almost exclusively female ones.

this is horrific. i hope that poor girl recovers from her injuries and i hope these assholes pay for this.

what. the. fucking. fuck?

i love fiddy. he's hilarious and super smart.

i'm a c cup and i need bikini tops with underwire. there are cheap ones out there but trust me, cheap underwire bikinis don't hold anything up, or they make your tits flat and/or pointy, or they have zero support. a well built, underwire bikini top with support costs money. cheap bikinis worked on me back when i was a

which is why it should be handled in the courts from the very start, so you don't get this kind of conflict.

i don't think the problem is exposure to the internet per se. i bet it has more to do with parents who don't know what their kids are looking at on the internet, don't restrict the amount of time their kids spend online, and don't talk to their kids or have a clue about what's going on in their kids' lives.

i can't wait for nancy grace to start blaming the internet for corrupting kids' minds. instead of, you know, their parents who thought the internet was a suitable substitute for actual parenting.

if i had her body i'd just be naked all the time in front of a mirror so i could admire myself from all angles. i'd never get anything done.

and you're absolutely right to feel that way and to put your son first. however, it's just as important that medicine study the causes so that they can find ways to prevent it in future.

i love jon hamm. he's great at dry, deadpan humour. and he's sexy as fuck.

um, it's called 'the minority report'.

cher did it before anyone else:

ad-rock looks so fucking hot in that picture. [/shallow]

it's incredible. so did she full frontal flash everyone when she received her award? i imagine she had to use both hands for that.

I. Fucking. Hate. That. Song.

i don't think the baby was in danger but i still think she's fucking idiotic for doing that. it's pretty much one of the most ridiculous wedding things i've ever seen, and that's saying a lot since i think a lot of wedding shit is ridiculous. she sounds delusional too.

any african descent she had was egyptian, which while african, isn't black african. so yeha, she probably wasn't white and definitely didn't look like angelina, in all likelihood she was mediterranean, but she wasn't black either.

there is no 'legit' study. her mother might have been egyptian (which is african, but not black african) or greek. there is no evidence (of the credible sort) to suggest she was black african. this isn't about being delusional or people wanting her to be white, it's about the evidence available.

no, she wasn't. the most likely scenario was that she was egyptian, but she could have been greek as well. there is no evidence to suggest she was black african.