
please. it's not about racism, it's about history and her family background.

not by any credible academics/scientists. it's possible her mother was ethnically egyptian which while not white, is not black african either but more mediterranean. she was mostly ethnically greek, with possible egyptian ancestry on her mother's side. she was certainly at least half greek, possibly 100% greek but as

She was mostly Macedonian greek and possibly a bit ethnically Egyptian. She was at least half white. Possibly more. The rest being possibly Egyptian. There is no credible academic evidence that she was black. Jolie is possibly whiter than the real Cleopatra who might have been slightly darker and Mediterranean looking

Wow. She was fucked either way.

of course she didn't deserve to be attacked. No one does. But that doesn't change the fact that she's a piece of garbage, just like her sugar daddy and his wife.

didn't you read this part:

It probably means you're a sociopath ;)

There are many feminists who don't want men using the term, and most definitely not to self-describe

it's not surprising. Feminist circles can be very alienating and intolerant of different opinions, it's no surprise a lot of women who are feminists for all intents and purposes, refuse to use the word. And they can come off as anti-men, even though I know that is not the intention. Just look at the comments section

in all my relationships i've been the messy one who likes to sleep in. in most cases, we sort of meet in the middle and i make an effort to be less messy and not sleep as late, and they in turn are less anal about tidiness and less obnoxious about getting up early on the weekend. and i'm sure that's the case for most

how about butch stripper?

Oh god, I didn't know there was a word for this.

since when does fun = attention whoring and showing off your flexibility on instagram?

ideally, when people break up they should do the honourable thing and delete/burn any naked pics, videos, etc. unfortunately, breakups bring out the worst in people and you can never be sure your ex won't be a shithead. it doesn't have to be posting it on the internet either, i have one acquaintance who made a bunch

do any companies report that information?

even earlier than that. a lot of boys develop an interest in computers and gaming and all that as little kids. little girls should be encouraged as well.

in june of 1987... maybe he is still an abusive asshole, or maybe in those ensuing 27 years, he actually did some work on himself and changed his ways?

sorry, but i disagree. and not just about women who have been victims of domestic violence, but about attraction in general. a lot of people are attracted to the same personality types. for some women, it's emotionally unavailable man-children (i'm guilty of that one), for others, it's domineering jerks who can easily

i agree she shouldn't have to worry about paparazzi publishing pictures of her skirt flying up. she shouldn't have to worry about having hems sewn into her skirt. but she's a public figure whose every movement is documented, photographed and published. even if the vast majority of the paparazzi respect her, there will

serious question: while i totally agree with madeleine davies' post, what is so wrong with men pointing out that, indeed, not all men are like elliot rodger, or rapists, or drunk assholes who bottle women in bars?