
he was mentally ill. He wasn't just any angry young man, he was a mentally ill young man who chose to use violence. Why not avoid stereotypes and gross generalizations about both men and the mentally ill?

Maybe the problem is viewing education purely as something that should provide you with financial gain?

you could also read it as a joke about domestic beer lovers - as in, only a wife beater would drink domestic, and like it.

um, they don't. It's just a silly joke and some people are taking it way too seriously.

oh for fuck's sake, if you think a lame joke like this is the same thing as condoning domestic violence, you need to fucking chill.

i always assumed 'tranny' came from transvestite and that's how a lot of my gay friends use it. now that i think about it, it is mostly my older friends so maybe there is something about the generation gap LeatherIvy pointed out further up the page.

but islam is patriarchal and sexist. and so is christianity. so is judaism. catholicism, protestantism, they all place women below men, they all push for a female ideal of submission, chastity, obedience. they all equate female virginity with purity. in essence, they all slut shame. every religion can be moderate or

yes but the point is, the reason these religions are patriarchal, is that they originated in patriarchal societies. so the tenets and structure of the religions themselves are fundamentally patriarchal and reflect the society they were invented in. and just as christianity spread across the roman empire, islam spread

For every leader who comes out against such practices (and I can't stress enough, there are plenty) there are plenty who advocate the opposite.

i didn't say islam was solely to blame. but if imams truly wanted to separate their religion from these harmful cultural practices, they would speak out against them, issue fatwas, ban them, etc... but they haven't.

i totally agree with you that these practices didn't originate from islam, and predated it in most cases, as i mentioned in my comment. however, over time, they have become associated, and if islamic religious leaders really wanted to disassociate their religion from the practice and call for its elimination, they

not really. just because there's a lot of islamophobia doesn't mean there isn't a lot things wrong with islam, or the way it's practiced. yes, the vast majority of muslims are of the more moderate variety but fundamentalist islam + muslim culture toward women + ignorance = a lot of awful crimes like this one.

no. you're hearing about it more. women have been getting killed and beaten for thousands of years.

good for her for losing weight, she looks great. i also feel like she actually lost it fairly slowly, which is healthier.

this. they should just stop labeling toys for boys or girls and let kids play with whatever toys they want. they should have a leia doll though.

well, first of all, i wasn't the one asking the question in this thread. and second, i think people ask that question as a way of stating their disagreement with colleges investigating rapes, but how is that concern trolling or trolling of any sort?

oh, of course. i'm not ignoring that. but i still think you can't say that it's ok for, say, nicole kidman to wear a prosthetic nose but not zoe saldana, even if the saldana case has more layers. because it still amounts to saying that different criteria should apply to black actresses.

just because that's the way things are, doesn't mean everyone agrees with it. i still think it's ridiculous that colleges handle investigations of criminal matters when they should clearly be police matters, and will continue to say so.

yes, let's all pile on a fucking actress and blame her for the mishandling of college rapes...

dolly may be tacky but she's not vulgar. xtina's a trashy, vulgar clown and she can't act her way out of a paper bag. the only part xtina was born to play is Hatchet-Face in a Cry-Baby remake