
But breast size really isn't the best way to approach casting a movie. We totally have the technology to fake those!

that totally makes sense actually. thanks for the reply.

from the back it looks awful. pretty sure that when you can trace your buttcrack on your wedding dress, it means it's too tight.

not the lace but you do have to give middleton some credit for bringing back sleeves on wedding dress and ending the monopoly of strapless gowns, for which we should be thankful considering that strapless flatters about 5% of the female population.

she also doesn't understand wearing clothes that are actually her size, and seems to think that if she can squeeze her lumps into it, it means it "fits". from the front it's not so obvious but the picture of kim's posterior in that wedding dress is pretty vulgar.

yeah, because occupying muslim countries has worked out so well for you guys so far.

i don't think it's tacky to ask for money as a wedding gift. for baby showers, it's a little... tacky. but only because i object to the recent trend of baby showers becoming Big Deals with registries and all that shit. it used to be a bunch of chicks playing dumb games and everyone would bring a baby outfit or they'd

are you referring to my comment or other comments about the kartrashian wedding extravaganza?

it's true. she's not a porn star. because porn stars know how to fuck. anyone who's seen kim k's sex tape can attest to the fact that she's a horrible lay.

yes, the new york post is a tabloidy trashy mess but my god they are funny sometimes.

i don't think i know anyone who's gotten married a virgin, or even just having slept with their fiancé/husband. and i'm totally against the concept of purity associated with virginity, and i don't think it's healthy to marry someone you've never fucked.

actually i think it's questionable not because of her sexual history (which i don't give two shits about) but because i think it's tacky to go all out with a big ceremony and a big wedding dress when it's your third fucking marriage and she's only 33... and you know it's not gonna be her last either.

wow! may i ask why so many trips down the aisle?

it doesn't look too bad from that angle but from the back it's the too-tight, vulgar hot mess we all knew it would be. it's not like she was suddenly going to develop good taste and self-awareness overnight.

it doesn't. i was just pointing out that hipanonymouspoorboy isn't the only one who thought the same.

don't worry, i'm not taking anything back and i stand by everything i said i have nothing against women being sexually active. at all. but i didn't know feminism meant that i had to reserve my criticism of human behaviour to men and that anything a woman does is perfect, and if it isn't it's because she is somehow a

lol you're cute.

no worries. kinja sucks ass.

I don't think there's any male equivalent that reduces a man to an idiot and a sexual object, the way "bimbo" does to a woman.

lol wut?