
per his family:

People experience and express grief in all kinds of ways

my bad. how about self-loathing arriviste? or even better, illuminate me: how would you describe her admirable actions and life choices?

the OP's reply did make me roll my eyes and she reminded me of some of the people on my facebook feed who post about some awful tragedy and try to sound like they're full of empathy but really it's just thinly veiled narcissism and 'look at me!', and yes, trying to make it about them and how sensitive they are and how

per the BBC, his family also confirmed he was receiving psychiatric care:

of course she should be able to do that. but 'should' doesn't always reflect the reality. and besides, she's already lived a large chunk of her life in europe, she's a very cosmopolitan woman, and if this is how her country thanks her for being one of its most talented cultural ambassadors, i totally would reconsider

no she wasn't 16 years old. are you just making shit up now?

no she wasn't. she hooked up with him a couple of years ago and she's like 30 now. she's a grown ass woman who doesn't care that she's fucking an old racist asshole as long as she gets her 'gifts', and recorded their conversations as leverage. so yeah, to me that puts her firmly in the same category as sterling and

oh, so you're saying you'd be totally proud if your half black daughter hoooked up with an octogenarian racist who hates black people and plies her with 'gifts' and treats her like his sex thing?

so you're saying she should take the flogging and be quiet?

no, they don't. but nowhere are they as disrespected as in their own countries where they're treated like perpetual minors. also, when's the last time europe flogged a woman for pecking someone on the cheek?

oh, i wasn't thinking of him or anyone else who got dragged into this clusterfuck. i meant the main protagonists - sterling, the wife and the bimbo girlfriend.

fuck that shit. she should just stay in europe until iran decides to join the 21st century.

i feel like everyone involved in this is a shitty human being. from the old, racist fuck sterling to his stupid wife who needs to get some dignity and divorce his ass already instead of just suing her husband's girlfriends (she sued the one before this one too), to the venal bimbo v. stiviano who should know better

i would love to work at vice.

people already do. i'm trying to remember where i read about vodka enemas but i did. i think some hardcore alkies do that when they've wrecked their oesophagus from drinking too much so they have to resort to sticking it up their asses.

agree but it's not like these women couldn't find jobs doing something else. what i want to know is, why the hell do they want to be fucking cheerleaders for a bunch of asshole jocks who view them as half-naked teen mascots? i mean, i'd rather be a stripper than a cheerleader. if i'm going to be objectified and

not that they shouldn't get proper treatment and pay but frankly, the very concept of cheerleaders is demeaning, sexist and ridiculous so what i really want to know is why do women voluntarily sign up for this shit? i'd rather be a stripper, i bet the money is better.

no, i don't disagree with you on the fundamental purpose of feminism. i'm just saying that i think there are degrees of feminism, like with most things. and you'll have the very vocal, radical minority challenging the fundamental inequalities, and then you'll have most people, who are much less actively involved in

when you're expecting a kid, all you want is that he/she be healthy. i think it's unfair to expect parents to act like having a special needs child isn't a tragedy and to judge them for their feelings. sure, they can overcome it and make the best of it, and a lot of them do and i'm not saying they don't love their