
so... kid disobeys stupid school rule. school does nothing about it and basically... nothing happens. kid graduates and all is well that ends well. and this is a newsworthy story because?

maybe it was a 'sell out' but it worked, didn't it? and do you really think most gay people out there want to challenge those radical ideas? most of them, like most women, and really, most people in general, just want to get on with their lives and be afforded the same rights as everyone else. they don't want to

sure. but that doesn't make her a 'talent'.

Many seem to agree that Barrymore and Terry Crews are talents wasted on this movie

not quite. She's saying her son's autism is a punishment from god. And after being around deeply autistic children (I have a friend who's a specialized therapist), it really is one of the worst things that could happen to anyone and I have nothing but admiration for these kids' parents. I know I couldn't do it. Having

Or she fucked up by not using birth control while on accutane? Either way, the saddest part of this is that she hasn't been able to free herself from the ignorant beliefs ingrained into her as a child and that she actually believes god punished her for having an abortion.

but capitalism isn't going anywhere any time soon so, whether we like it or not, feminism has to find a way to work within that societal model because those are the societies we live in, or at least in most of the western world. and i don't think the 2 are incompatible. look at the LGBT movement - i feel like they've

a theocracy is a dictatorship though. the difference is that in the US, people (and that includes women) went out and elected these woman-hating asshats.

in the higher levels of feminism in its corporate and money-laced splendor, the more radical ideology of feminism is left behind in favor of what can be fit into mainstream acceptability. A lot gets ignored at that level that is needed for real change. Feminism isn't an accessory, it's a way of looking at and being in

i have no interest in attending these events however i don't think they're 'perverting' feminism because for that to happen, feminism would have to be reduced to a specific set of ideas and people, and that's just not the case. feminists come in all different shapes and sizes, including fancy ladies with corporate

yeah, my brother and his fiancée probably aren't ever getting married even though they've been together 10+ years, have 2 kids, a mortgage... girlfriend/boyfriend doesn't really cut it but husband/wife would be inaccurate.

wife/husband is also problematic for people who aren't married. while imperfect, i think partner is probably the best of all the other words out there. life partner is ridiculous but just partner is fine. it's used a lot in australia and new zealand and hopefully it will catch on.

absolutely. if you look at the first comment in made, i actually said that it's a good thing the yearbook is featuring these kids, and that i don't think it did so in a way that 'glorifies' teen pregnancy at all. i just pointed out that at the same time, i understand why people would be wary of glorifying teen

so is teen pregnancy something you'd encourage? i'm guessing you wouldn't. are you so scared of making a value judgement that you can't be honest and admit that yes, getting pregnant and having a baby when you're in high school is a mistake?


of course not. no one is going to have the guts to admit to anyone else, or even themselves, that having a kid at 16 was a huge mistake. especially because that's not something you want your kid to know. but come the fuck on. if you're a parent, wouldn't you do everything in your power to prevent your teenage kid from

you're right. and i think it if it were somewhere in the northeast or california or something that might be true. but in orlando, florida? i have a hard time believing this will get him fired.

i agree their efforts and achievements should be recognised. but i disagree with you that it's judgemental to say teen parenthood is a huge mistake. it is. it's a fact. look at the statistics for teen parents. and the mistake will affect not just them but their kids too. teen parents are way less likely to graduate,

i know the comment wasn't directed at me but i have some of the same feelings. i think having a kid in high school is pretty catastrophic. i mean, statistically, you're fucked. and so is your kid. yeah, there are exceptions. but if you have a kid as a teenager, you're much less likely to graduate. you're much less

i don't think teen parents should be shunned or ostracised either. and i don't have a problem with it being featured in the yearbook because from what i can tell, the feature doesn't glamourise teen parenthood and the kids themselves admit to the difficulties involved.