
Yeah, well.....they did just run a story a while back about how "gluten sensitivity" isn't really a thing, any more than "Chinese restaurant syndrome," was. Because double blind studies didn't find sensitivity to either gluten or MSG.

The gluten allergy myth was debunked last week. Unless you are celiac, then that shit is real.

Honestly is it #itisallmuslims too, #itisallblacks ? , what you are exhibiting is subtle sexism, by implying that it is the duty of men to protect women. No it is not,

And it's comments like yours that highlight that men need feminism, too. My friend tagged me in this picture on Facebook awhile ago, just reposting it.

Actually, not that I can remember? (Which probably just means "never when I had as many cameras on me as Kate Middleton always does.) I did once accidentally tuck a long skirt into my underpants and go back to work that way. My crush noticed first and broke the news to me, because life is stupid like that.

"I like domestic" itself has to be a joke.

I've always heard that the word "tranny" refers to transvestites not transsexuals. Even over at urban dictionary its primary definition is transvestite (though it also says transsexual as it's secondary meaning). Seems that, while transsexuals may have a leg to stand on with this, for the most part they're getting

I was a club kid in the late 80's/ early 90's, and went to lots of the same parties as RuPaul, LaHoma Van Zandt, Lady Bunny, Larry Tee, Michael Alig (yes, THAT one), and no one ever used "tranny" or "she-male" as a slur/hate speech... I think it is a generational thing. I remember where there were silly contests (like

There's a long history of this word, and a long recent battle disputing its history. Trannyshack just changed it's name due to pressure, despite it being an 18-year-old club named for an apartment in the Haight where many genderqueers lived and identified as Trannies. Kate Bornstein (and others, like me) recall it as

What about the persistent and damaging myths this sort of thing propagates though?

Now playing

Remember this anti-drug commercial, with the girl who turns into a lifeless pancake after smoking pot?

What you fail to understand is that religion is culture. In the case of Islam it was originally the culture of the tribes living on the Arabian peninsula that got, shall we say, "exported" to other parts of Asia, Africa, and Europe. I have no doubt that many questionable practices existed in Pakistan before Islam

I'd say the media scrutiny of violence against women is reaching a fever pitch.

With those forelegs, it'll be no time before she's the centaur of the universe.

I have seen those shoes somewhere before. Oh yeah, I remember. It was in a DREAM ABOUT SATAN. The day when those shoes fade from the public sphere will be a good, holy day.

Something about this picture looks creepy.

If you're found guilty of rape, the conversation should never evolve around whether you should get expelled or not; it should be jail or more.

I’ll be sure to give this a try as soon as I deal with the spit-up of a click-baiting poster …

My bananas just committed suicide... :(