
like a "functioning addict". ever heard that term before? same thing. but with an eating disorder instead of a drug addiction. like i said, this is all pure speculation.

oh, I agree. Like I said in my original comment, I would never change my name. But I've also had women who absolutely know the origins of the tradition, change their names because of other reasons, or they want their whole family to have the same last name. It just doesn't carry the same meaning to most people

yes! i posted a picture in another comment.

oh for fucks's sake, you need a fucking hobby. or a xanax.

well, until they bring it back, i'll snark away. besides, i'm not saying anything probably most people aren't thinking...

i did! the ones of dolly are tiny and blurry but after the show i got a good one of her number one fans:

Unless you have the proper credentials to diagnose that or even speculate that, all you're doing is body shaming her. Stop it, and most definitely stop diagnosing psychiatric disorders without the proper license.

i'm pretty sure she's a functioning anorexic.

Yeah, it would take a little bit of energy for the culture at large to stop pretending like this song is innocuous and, eventually, to stop using it. But how much energy does it take for black people to perpetually ignore and cope with dehumanizing shit like this?

i got up early to make it to rockefeller center before 8 to catch her live. the front row was basically all drag queens. best tuesday morning ever.

riiiiiight. Because violence only exists in the projects...

whether or not it's fodder for the MRAs, doesn't really matter. i'm a feminist in the sense that i think it's about equality, and i disagree with the type of feminism that thinks women can do no wrong and that appears to condone physical violence by a woman.

she's entitled to it and i'm entitled to think that she's providing fodder to the MRAs with dumb articles like these, and instead of condemning solange for resorting to violence, she's wondering what might have caused it.

trust me, i'm not a fan of jay z. i didn't know those stories but they don't change the fact that i think solange is a violent asshole with no self-control. and thanks to you, i now know jay z is also a violent, asshole nutjob with no self-control.

maybe not for their existence but they are giving them ammunition and arguments to justify their opinion that feminism isn't about equality but about trying to place women above men.

uh, she lunged at him with her whole body. and she was trying to kick him too. and not gently. that's physical violence. if you don't think that's physically violent, well i'm just glad i don't have you or people who think like you in my life. i've never seen my parents do anything like that to us, themselves or

so what? that still doesn't justify becoming physically violent. and if she hates him so much, then don't go out with him and her sister. even if someone is goading you, once you resort to physical violence, you're the nutjob asshole.

why not? feminism doesn't mean that women can never be wrong, unlike what some people seem to believe.

really? to me it just looks like beyonce is staying the fuck out of it because jay z and his bodyguard can handle it and she's not even fazed - makes me think solange pulls this kind of shit often.