
you make some good points. however, did you or any of your sisters ever lunge at one of your sisters' husband/boyfriend and punch and kick him? i'm willing to guess the answer is no.

really? look at her track record. she stayed in an abusive relationship with chris brown and put up with him beating the shit out of her, and then got back together with him and tweeted racist mean girl shit about his girlfriend, even though the entire world knew what a violent fuck-up he was at that point. that says

i agree.

"Treacherous thatched-roof-haired drag-queen" — how Brown describes Linda Tripp"

saying it's rape when a man promises marriage to a woman so that she'll consent to sex, is like saying it's rape if the guy you're dating tells you that he doesn't want to see other women, just you, and for that reason you consent to have sex with him, and then the next day he's all, just kidding! i want to keep

yes, extorsion. fraud. call it whatever you want. and punish men for it. but don't call it rape because it simply is not.

it's bad. it's tricking someone. it's probably a crime of some other sort. but it's not rape, is the point people are making. not every bad thing men do to women can be called rape.

Americans doubled their average daily intake of sweeteners, including high fructose corn syrup, in part because it was used as a replacement when foods were reformulated to remove fat.

Because it's associated with young women, and anything associated with young women is inferior.

can't we just agree that uptalk is fucking awful, regardless if it's a man or woman doing it? that, and putting 'like' in between every other word makes me want to inflict extreme pain on the person doing it. it makes everyone sound stupid.

it's a pretty name though.

i was loving the dress (cool in a Dynasty sort of way) until i saw those godawful ties in the back. those things make any garment look cheap as fuck.

i see ava is still going strong. i'm surprised stella isn't on the list. it seems like 1 out of every 2 bobo/yuppie couple i know has named their daughter that in the past 3-4 years. and sophia and olivia, of course.

they are heartbreaking. i agree that an internet outlet isn't the same as real support but i think even anonymous venting can help relieve the pressure and desperation some of these women must feel. and it's not like mothers will be feeling very comfortable about admitting these feelings any time soon. i'm sure many

yeah it's a choice but it's not like you can take them back once they're born. i'm not saying they should say this to their kids but if anything, having an outlet for these feelings is probably therapeutic since it's not really something they can admit to anyone.

some of them are funny but some of them are very sad. at the same time, i always thought it was impossible that more people didn't regret having kids, or harbor negative feelings towards them, and i think a lot of people do but it's just not something you can say. it really is the biggest taboo out there. so in a way,

no, i don't centre my feminism around men. but we're half of humanity, they're the other half, and i do see feminism as an inclusive process that men should be a part of, that men have to be a part of because, just like segregation and apartheid aren't the solution to racism, neither is feminism as a woman-only space

i thought the lady-food market was already cornered by cupcake shops? though i guess they don't serve savoury food which is why they came up with this genius lady-steak idea.

lol wut?

i think it's good to point out, even on sites like this, that not all of us feminists like the way our message is being delivered, and that doesn't make us any less feminist.