
um, i did say they should have used a picture of nigerian girls, didn't i?

um, that's what i said, isn't it?

i'm not a fan or rihanna or her music but she is so photogenic and when she gets it right style wise, she gets it right. my favourite is probably that picture she took of herself outside a mosque in one of the emirates, i think. it was chic but aggressive in the way grace jones is.

it's not like a social media campaign was going to bring the girls back anyway so it's not like the fact that these photos were misappropriated for this campaign will actually affect the fate of the kidnapped Nigerian girls but i understand your point that they should at least have used pictures of Nigerian girls.

Tip: "Concentrate on something like a dead cat and try to feel it, taste it, smell it. But never think about how your erection is doing."

i love maury and jerry springer.

i knew she had to be cool when i found out she was married to maury povich.

i feel the same way about Jade and Savannah. totes stripper names.

yes, and? it's one thing if it's someone outside of feminism saying this but i'm making the argument as a woman and feminist. And I do think we'd be better served by not being perceived as an insular movement that functions as an echo chamber where different ideas aren't welcome. and i don't just mean men. we've

Yes, it's painfully obvious in your comments that you don't give a shit about real life sad would rather perpetuate the trap of feminism as an echo chamber/circle jerk.

Absolutely. It's bad for everyone for health reasons. Unfortunately, when it comes to alcohol being a factor in rapes, it's mostly women who will be preyed on and taken advantage of sexually when they're blackout drunk, it's just the reality, and one that bears repeating. We should be able to say that without being

i like dodai. there's creative as in cool and there's "creative" as in pageanty horror (brooklyn, bella, madison/madysyn, jaden/jayden/jaydyn, etc). dodai is the former.

ugh. i know the type.

did she also replace her facebook profile picture with a picture of the little princess, because that's her entire identity now? i feel like you should give that friend your user name...

sorry but anyone naming their kid brooklyn, brianna or bella is a fucking tool. and a tacky one at that.

yes, it's stupid. no, it's not funny. but it's ultimately harmless and you're creating controversy where there is none. (big surprise).

i agree that the OP shouldn't feel like she is in any way to blame for her rape. however, she does have a point about excessive drinking at universties. NOT that a drunk girl is in any way to blame for her rape and yes, a lot of rapes happen to women who are sober but i do think it's important to tell girls that

if you want there to at least be a chance that your rapist will face real consequences other than suspension or at most expulsion from school, then go to the police, don't use the university system.

lol wut?

Fighting for social justice shouldn't be conditional on how polite the people you're helping are.