
what kind of crack-smoking surreal 'logic' did you employ to arrive at that conclusion from reading my comment? did you fall and hit your head 658 times?

They can fucking shut up for once, it won't kill them or be anything fucking near gender-based violence.

I think people miss the goddamn point: it doesn't matter if not all of group x or y does a or b. If you are not guilty of said action, then it doesn't apply to you.

um, if your goal is to end gender based violence, stereotyping about men and telling them to shut up and put up with it, or else they're not being good allies, isn't exactly a smart way to go about it... to say the least.


as much as i can't stand her - or the entire family, for that matter - i'm with her on this. people's reactions were out of control and ridiculous.

the daily fail is a ridiculous tabloid out to troll the world, sometimes hilariously so. but i'm glad they got called out for this.

it's no excuse for the amount of slut shaming people have directed at a 13 year-old for a picture that, if not exactly appropriate, isn't sexual per se and isn't proof that they were boning prior to the pic being taken.

ridiculous. it's baffling that people can be so fucking stupid.

yes. and he is the parent. let willow smith's parents worry about why she's hanging out with a 20 year-old shirtless dude. it's not for the internet to parent her.

what i'm saying, rather than an explosion of outrage and slut-shaming, why not actually find out if there is any reason for all the pearl clutching or if it's just a picture.

oh my god, the dude is shirtless *faints*

did i punch you? kick you? punch your mom or your puppy? i didn't think so. and yet you're being a total asshole for no reason other than i said that victims need to report rapes to the police.

ok, walk me through a case where you think the college handled it correctly. what are these other types of evidence. i already made reference to the ones you mentioned - digital evidence or the accused making incriminating statements. what else is there? how does a college 'prove' a rape?

The movie, based on Franco's short story collection of the same name, centers around the lives of suburban teens and co-stars Emma Roberts (daughter of Eric Roberts), Kyle Kilmer (son of Val Kilmer) and Nat Wolff (whose mother is thirtysomething actress Polly Draper). It is directed by Gia Coppola (granddaughter of

no, i'm not. you mention digital evidence and a suspect incriminating themselves. but what if there's none of that? what if it's just her word against his, which is what happens with a lot of rapes. you conveniently forgot to mention how you expect colleges to deal with those cases where it's a guy claiming the sex

I never claimed to be an expert. Also not american so I'm quite baffled by colleges dealing with rape investigations themselves rather than it being a law enforcement issue.

sorry but I think it's more dangerous to tell people that it's all genetics and lifestyle doesn't matter, which is what Jezebel seems to push. That just breeds complacency and ill health, disguised as 'body positivity' and feminism.

seriously? She may be annoying but she has a fabulous body, and it's not just her ass. Yeah she can't write but working out seems to be one thing she knows how to do.

yes it's unusual. Very unusual. But definitely possible. if it wasn't a violation of her privacy I would post a picture of one of my best friends' body and other than being shorter than this chick, their bodies are almost identical. She's white, has a ridiculously amazing bubble butt, but toned, thin thighs, flats